Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Does it seem like everybody is decorating for christmas early this year?

Jonathan Schlussel: It's hard to tell here. I live in a really cold place. Most People here put them up as soon as possible, then leave them up as long as they can. But I'm definitly excited this year! Happy really early Christmas!

Forest Duttinger: lol yeah cuz im one of em...i already put up my lil xmas tree in my room...tee hee

Lucrecia Laurito: WAY early !!I thought I was imagining things when I heard Christmas music being played at Walgreens in JUNE !!!

Georgia Dees: I think those of us in SoCal are decorating early because we just went through horrific fires. Christmas reminds us to be generous to those who lost their homes and to be thankful that we have homes to decorate.

Frances Macky: I saw someone who had lights and things up before Thanksgiving!!

Lester Haschke: I always decorate the weekend after thanksgiving.

Clifford Gombos: Where I am from it's too cold not to decorate in November but maybe not put our lights on until D! ec 1.Depending on how busy your holidays will be perhaps people are getting busy for the season and are managing their time better.

Pei Heatherly: yea i see ur point but it is always exciting tht christmas is around the corner nd ppl just cnt wait to decorate! guilty as charged ;-]

Jodie Capella: Alot of people i know start to decorate after thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!

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