Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Special Education or Psychology major?

Rufus Plough: Take special education, because Psychology is a broad subject and may not even teach anything on special needs, or only a few classes really. I have no clue about colleges, I am from the UK.

Kate Baune: Psychology is extremely competitive b/c so many wish to pursue a limited number of spots. Keep in mind you will have to at least finish your masters and most likely your PHd - so think about being in school for another 6 - 10 years minimum. Special Ed is in high demand and you would be able to find ample work with an undergraduate degree, and then even better work with your masters - which you could probably get it paid for while working.Ann Arbor has an excellent psych program, but any college will suit you fine - just make sure you're an excellent student where ever you go and you'll be fine. I personally wish I would have chose my school based on where it was rather than going for reputation. I would have gone to Cali if I has it to do again; or Cana! da. McGill is excellent. Overall, I'd recommend finding out what psychology you like: applied or abstract? Special ed is applied; where more philosophical, sociological bent psyche is academic and abstract - a lot of theories and writing. Applied is tough if you are uncomfortable with unstable people.As far as you horse loving, I'm not sure how time will allow for that....Show more

Florencia Manolakis: there's an excellent form of protection interior the particular ed container. Psych majors frequently pursue college psychologist as a profession. keep in mind that there is a extreme burn-out value particularly ed, so i'd get qualified in something else besides in case you're extreme approximately coaching. college psych will pay greater beginning out - they frequently initiate on the proper of the pay scale because of the trials of the education.

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