Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Can I Convince My Mom To Pull Me out of Home School?

Eva Lichlyter: tell her you want to go back to regular school

Buster Exline: Tell your mom that you really want to go to the other school because you don't feel like she is helping you very much with things that you need help with and say that is unfair to you because you want to have the best education that you can have.

Kaley Lappas: Ask her what exactly she thinks your getting out of being at home.

Ira Porietis: Have you asked your mom if you can return to school? What is her response? If there is no reason except for the fact that she likes teaching you, she can do that along with school. I would just tell her that you miss your friends and the socialization you had at school. Tell her that its making you feel depressed so you want to return. There is no reason why you should continue to stay home when you are so unhappy. Kids need to be around other kids!

Lilli Kochel: You might try talking to your Mom about her schooling. I bet she wasn't ! home schooled,and I bet she has both good and bad memories of being in school. Get her to tell you about friends SHE had in school, and then tell her you are so lonely because you don't have any girlfirends to talk to and be with. Maybe she will see it differently then.Good luck!!

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