Friday, May 22, 2020

Considering moving to A city in New Zealand, emphasis on the quality of secondary education and climate...?

Kellie Waycott: Come to Wellington.

Alecia Kaehler: Sorry, I thought they used english terms in new zealand as well [ state school ].

Willetta Munhall: How does Wellington's climate compare to that of christchurch or dunedin or invercargill? Is there a lot of racism in christchurch/dunedin/invercargill? Is new zealand more like england or america [because I've lived in both and prefer england by FAR].

Rose Krouse: As a foreigner that moved here 11 years ago Ireland is a relatively good place to live and I've no intention of leaving. Education- not sure what you want to know here, educational age is 4years to 18years. University is supplemented by government grants. Healthcare- Dr.s and Dental appointments are charged, however, major ailments fall under state funding and treatment is free. However, some supplement this with private health insurance. Like all governments most people have gripes. The homeless in Ireland can have a rough time, there are the! inherent issues associated with homlessness alcoholism and substance abuse. Vagrancy in itself is not an offence. Resources such as outreach services are overstretched. Generally Ireland doesn't have an armed society, firearm licences can be issued if there is sufficient evidence that a licence is needed. self defence, is not a reason to seek a firearms licence. Defence of the populace is seen as the duty of the Gardai (Police) and the defence forces. The weather is mild but wet. Heavy snow is the exception, rather than the norm and the summers are warm but not hot. temps are between -5 & +30 centigrade. It rains about 200 days a year, but not to monsoon levels. I suggest you live in the Dublin area, that way it's easier to settle in, you can buy american goods (hersheys, USA today etc.) that can stave off homesickness. You also have other Americans to give you advice. Dublin is a small city and you're never far from rural areas, to the south is the Dublin/wicklow mountain! s national park. To the east is the Irish sea, and seals and d! olphins can be seen. The Gardai (police) are a mainly unarmed force, and have a visible prescence in urban areas, less so in rural regions. However, an emergency call will recieve a response from Gardai. Crime against the individual is rare. Militarily Ireland is Neutral, it supports the UN in peacekeeping duties across the globe. The Defence forces are small, there is no heavy armour for the army, only 8 small naval service vessels, and the air corps (the smallest force) have no fast aircraft & no heavy lift capability....Show more

Catheryn Barringer: Apparently Wellington is nice, but its windy and apparently there are heaps of coffee shops there already. I heard its not that cheap in NZ standards but I hear its very nice. Christchurch can also be pretty cold. I imagine it can be somewhat cheap. I live in Dunedin which is very cold and cheap to live, but its a very studenty town. New Zealand doesn't have 'state schools' because they don't have states...but yeah, the! y have public schools. I don't really know much about the system, but I hear it isn't great, but I wouldn't know. As with each location there will be some good ones and some bad ones, so you have to look around, research it or somethings. I like Dunedin most on the South Island, but its a very student based town. I imagine if you opened a good and affordable coffee shop you would get a fair bit of business because of the students. Although I think Christchurch might be a kinda good place to raise kids, its very boring and quiet. I wouldn't want to live there, but its up to you. A lot of people like Wellington but I have never been there....Show more

Lourie Mcroberts: Yep we do have State schools, cos they are funded by the state, ie the Govt but you have to be a little over 21 to remember that phraseNZ has issues with racisim but have found the further south you go the less of a problemDont know about wellington as its on one of our off lying Islands. Coldest city is ! a toss up between Dunedin or Invercargill, both brilliant places. Have ! found southern people much more laid back and freindlierI would say NZ is more like England and in the deep south more like ScotlandInvercargill, main city of provence of Southland over recent years has been undergoing a resurgance due to the boom in the dairy industryIn the southern half of the mainland we have trout/salmon rivers, skifeilds everywhere, mountains, tramping etc We truely have an unique bit of paradise, Native bush/forrest and birdlife, Kiwi, Kaka, Kakapo and a whole lot moreAuckland - Full of Jafa'sCost of living is always cheaper the further south you go esp housing with education Best is very subjective, Dunedin and Invercargill have excellant schools, the biggest and fanciest is not always the best...Show more

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