Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Am I being overcharged for dental exam and xray?  

Am I being overcharged for dental exam and xray?  

answers 0:After some time, I decided to try out a new dentist. I went in for a comprehensive oral exam which was $150 and had xrays taken which was another $150. The total came to $300; my insurance covered $281, so my out of pocket expense is $19. I felt $150 each was a lot, so I asked a friend to email the dental office to see how much they'll charge her. She doesn't have insurance, so they replied that they are currently running a first-time-patient promo of $95 for both the initial exam and xray. Am I being overcharged?...Show moreanswers 1:The cash price is always less than the insurance billed price due to paperwork and labor costs to bill the insurer. You can pay $95 cash if you prefer. No you are not being overcharged.answers 2:no. be glad your insurance will cover so much- most people don't have dental insurance and those that do are lucky to have anything ! more than 50% covered- you have a good plan it sounds like. maybe if you contacted the office and asked them when the new patient promo started and if you could have that they'd be willing to charge the $95 fee in order to keep you as a future patient- it's worth asking, the worst they can do is say no....

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