Saturday, March 21, 2020

How do I invest in stock?

Vida Miss: Chat to a stock broker. If you're not clued up with stock buying and selling I would say that you do not attempt it by yourself. If you do decide to invest via a broker, please check out the the persons credentials, as it's your money that will go down the drain if you trust the wrong person. Hope you earn stacks!!

Lynn Mctier: Only when you have sufficient money and only when you have at least some knowledge in stock market, you should enter.To invest in stocks you should know which are good stocks to buy and knowledge is necessary when to buy and also when to sell. Other wise it is a gambling you are most likely to loose rather than to gain. So first learn about stocks and trading methods by reading news papers like business line or economic times etc. When you feel confident then you can open a de mat account with a stock broker and then start trading in stocks or mutual funds. I...Show more

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