Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Comparison between Public Relations & Advertising..?

Kaley Lappas: I have a BA in PR and there is a big difference between the two.Advertising consist of developing relationships with clients and doing what they ask of you. You are there to listen about how the company or individual wants to presents themselves or something within the company. Then you help them devise a plan to best deliver that message to the public; Designing newspaper ads, radio ads, TV ads, billboards, mass mailings, websites and any other type of advertisement you can think of.PR you do all of this and more. Sometimes you work within the company itself. You are there to know everything that goes on within the company. You are the face of that company to the media and public. You are the person that presents presentations at public meetings, arranges press conferences and do anything else that involves the public or media.However, say you work for a PR Firm. At a firm you develop clients just like advertising and do all the things that an advertising a! gent would do, but you also help develop and present special events. A special event can be anything from dinners, to fund raisers.If you are trying to decide between the two you need to ask yourself if you enjoy being in the public eye and can take criticism well (can you swallow your pride whole and keep a smile on your face). If not you need to stick with advertising and stay behind the scenes. Also with PR you have to be able to think quick and be able to work in the moment. With advertising you have time to always develop your thoughts and ideas before they have to be presented to the public....Show more

Danette Slotnick: PR is more about networking. Its about talking to your clients, sending them invites, birthday cards, being there for them, taking them to dinner, things like that. If your company does a party and invites all the clients and suppliers thats PR. Also when you do things like we are environmentally friendly or we care about the community. PR is an! ything that makes your imagine improve. It costs money but you! are not selling anything.Advertising and Marketing is all about selling. Letting clients know you have a new product, reduce prices, different benefits. It is expensive but it places the product in the clients mind. People forget thats why you advertise to remind them that you exist and are improving constantly....Show more

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