Saturday, November 2, 2019

How to write a Hero essay for Humanities Class?

answers1: whahhboom throw up im in the house
answers2: I'm in a college humanities class and love it, we get
articles a lot they help to understand and structure our thinkin of
society, race, gendar, ethics, white power, and so on and so forth.
The link below is my favorite article.
answers3: Ashley. <br>
Strange; I was just writing a story about a young boy. Who! May not
actually meet all the criteria of a "hero", but could at the very
least fall into the category of "American Patriot". A "Tom Brokaw"
type, as in his book <br>
(THE GREATEST GENERATION). The story is set in a small Southwest town
in 1947, not long after the end of "WW-11" ,and the beginning of the
"COLD WAR". <br>
The young boy, like so many others of that era ;who very much wanted
to avenge "Pearl Harbor", but were too young to enlist into the
service. <br>
This young boy drops out of school in order to pursue full time
employment as a cook at a local well-known Hotel (Conrad Hilton). <br>
At age 17-(1947) now had completed four years employment at the
Hotel. The management in turn offers the youth a "full Scholarship" To
attend The "Cornell Culinary Institute" in New York. But the boy
declines the offer, because he still wants to make up for what he
feels he missed out of WW-11.The Cold War was escalating at a rapid
pace. <br>
The boy volunteers into the US Air Force. <br>
Because of his extensive four years civilian training. He by-passes
any military technical schools. He is further processed for
"over-seas" duty. Still at age "seventeen". <br>
In the final days of "basic training" He is seriously injured in
combat maneuvers. After a brief period of hospitalization he is up
for "medical" discharge, but refuses the discharge, at the same time
convincing the examining doctor; he is capable of continuing his
military service. <br>
Now in much physical and emotional pain form his injury, his overseas
assignment is " ADAK" in the "Aleutian Islands" …The End Of The Earth
Where The Winds Are Born. <br>
NOTE: The Aleutian Islands; was the only "theater of war" in the
world;. Where the rotation of troops was "One Year". <br>
Anyone who did "military service" on " Adak" in the early years of
the "COLD WAR" contributes abundantly to an entirely "different
meaning" of "COLD" and "WAR". The boy in mention
answers4: One person who was strong in mind, body, and spirit, and who
met some of the most difficult challenges of our modern world
(funding, poverty, caring), is Mother Teresa. <br>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa"
Very much like working in "The Inferno," dealing with "The Prince"
conditions, and living the life of Saint Thomas More's "Utopia." <br>
Also, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus"
gives another kind of hero. Dr. Yunus was even more dealing with "The
Prince," and "Lysistrata" does tie in, as many of the
micro-entrepreneurs are women. <br>
You might be able to create a modern of a combination of the lives of
the two real people given above. <br>
"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," Omraam Aivanhov, is a helpful
"how to" re "creativity." His own life <br>
is sketched at <a
Jacques Lusseyran is another modern hero:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Lusseyran <br>
Yogananda is another modern hero:

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