Friday, November 8, 2019

Cute bag for high school?Accessories?

answers1: Bag; So, I don't know what stores you have at your local
mall, so I'll give you a few options(: <br>
Option one: http://mobile.usablenet.com/mt/www.ae.com/web/browse/category_feature_item.jsp?catId=cat90052
sorry this is the mobile site.. hopefully it'll convert, haha idk. But
this is obviously more than one bag but I don't know you personnally
and all the bags appeal to different styles, and are in your price
range. If I had to pick a fave the it would probably be the "ae uptown
tote" in black, since it would go with pretty much every outfit since
its not a very exotic color, and stains etcc., won't be visible. <br>
Option two: http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=188ac51&DeptID=71275&CatID=71286&SO=0&x5view=1&Ne=4+5+1031+8+18+904+949+833&N=4294953539+4294966767&Nao=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=70646|71286
I think its big enough for books,etc., and its cutee, but then again I
don't know your style! <br>
Also this is a good video on what to keep in your bag for school(:
Accessories: <br>
-Hair: pre-wrap is really cute when your wearing a messy bun,
hopefully you know what pre-wrap is, if not google it(: also, braided
headbands etc., are cute too. Other than that keep it simple as to
hair accessories, maybe some cute bobby pins or clips, but nothing
weird haha. <br>
-Jewelry: american eagle has GREAT jewelry, their necklaces and
bracelets are really, really popular. Other types of bracelets include
woven ones (hopefully you know what I mean) friendship bracelet type
bracelets, and lots of them. Also fuego has cute bracelets. Mix up
what jewelry you wear, but not like gold and silver or two pieces that
have the same color but made of different things (ex. Pink plastic
bracelet and pink metal necklace. Also leather bracelets (braided or
plain) are really cute.
answers2: idk your funds, yet some sturdy college totes are from marc
jacobs and notice by using chloe. their non leather-based bags are
fairly gentle, ideal for sporting around college. and that they are
the ideal length to hold ur books. visit bloomingdales.
answers3: Okay, for a bag: get a backpack. This may sound dorky, but
everybody wears them in highschool because lockers are so inconvenient
and you have so much to carry! Get a really nice one that will last
you multiple years and won't look immature. TheNorthFace has the best
ones, but I think they're around like $60. L.L. Bean also has some
good ones for around $50. High Sierra has my personal favorite for
around $40, so I think that would be your best bet. And seriously,
you'll be thankful you chose a bag with two straps that distribute the
weight equally on your back, rather than splurging on some shoulder
bag that will cause pain and won't hold as much. <br>
As for accessories... <br>
Bangles are always cute. <br>
A leather belt does amazing things. <br>
You can't go wrong with a scarf. <br>
Dangly earings are overrated. <br>
Rings are very chic. <br>
As for headbands, the thinner the better. <br>
Simple lockets beat gaudy pendants. <br>
I really hope this helped!
answers4: No wheels or two shoulder back packs. Make it a over one
shoulder, tote bag, purse looking kinda bags. Also, if you don't want
to blend-in the go get a tie-dye back pack with the colors you want
(pink and blue or whatever colors.) Or just the color you like and add
beads, charms, key chains, studs that say your name, ECT. Head bands
are cute with the bows on them, studs, sparkles, or plain. The ones
that have the long ribbons hanging off are OUT. Charm bracelets,
bangles, those metal ones that clasp together or hook together.
Necklaces to match your outfit, long ones with chunky jewls. NO
chokers there OUT. Leggings that have lace on the bottom, plain colors
NO crazy bright colors, rips, or fishnets. Also, get cute wedge heels
or flats =)

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