Friday, November 22, 2019

better with or without makeup? (pics included)?

answers1: You're beautiful in both pictures but the one with makeup
makes you look superb!
answers2: Without
answers3: You look really pretty without. <br>
But, I think if you just used mascara, with some eyeshadow on the top,
and a really thin bit of eyeliner on the bottom, that would look
pretty too!
answers4: No question, without. <br>
You're naturally dark and exotic looking, so when you put the eyeliner
on, it makes you look kinda trashy. <br>
You may think it's cute, because guys are looking at you, but if you
look trashy, they're thinking "damn, that girl looks trashy", not what
you WANT them to think! (I hope!). <br>
Girls wear makeup to try to look like you do naturally. <br>
So consider yourself lucky. <br>
You should at the most, wear just a teeny bit of eyeshadow, but lay
off the eyeliner, you don't need it. <br>
You're very pretty. <br>
(I"m a guy, by the way)
answers5: I like you without makeup. You should just wear foundation
to even out your skin tone, concealer to cover blemishes and lip
gloss-you have angelina jolie lips!
answers6: Your confidence shines through - with or without the make
up. I think that's the most important.
answers7: honestly, you need to speak to a derm about getting
accutane. i'm not trying to be rude, but offer polite advice. once
your skin clears up i think you will look great. i wouldn't go without
makeup if i were you.
answers8: I like you better without makeup. Granted, the makeup covers
up your acne, but it makes your eyes look...heavy I guess. Maybe a
lighter shade of eyeshadow. But you could definitely pull off the Au
natural look if you got some good acne medicine. Alcohol and cocoa
butter work wonders. :)
answers9: i think you would look better without makeup if you had
clearer skin so maybe just wear some powder
answers10: You kinda look the same with makeup. The only difference I
see is your eyes are just darker. Maybe it was the camera lighting and
color, but to me you didnt look any different or better with makeup.

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