Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What is best Skin Lighting Cream for Dark Skin Black skin.?

answers1: skin lighting cream dark skin black skin
answers2: wow how sickening why would you want to bleach your skin.
chocolate is sexy but obviously you don't think so. idk maybe you
should try asking MJ what he used.
answers3: Bleaching is VERY bad for you... just as people tell light
skinned people not to tan too much, dark skinned people (actually
everyone) should avoid bleaching, as it damages the skin and can make
your pigmentation blotchy. <br>
Besides, with dark skin you have a lower risk of getting skin cancer
when you get older, and will have fewer wrinkles from sun damage. As
a VERY white person, and can tell you that despite cultural
differences, I would much rather have dark skin than light, because
light skin usually ages much faster than dark when exposed to excess
answers4: Well Thats Sad What the 1st Girls Said About MJ But MJ Has A
skin Diesase u better Stop Talking bout people Cuz Karma Is A BI*** SO
Watch What u Say.....But Anyways I guess u can just use palmers skin
sucess thats works and lemon juice that works to
answers5: Melalite Forte . Buy at www.beautybylarkins.com
answers6: Gabrielle Union beautiful Lauryn Hill beautiful Meagan Good
beautiful Joelle Kayembe beautiful Kenya Moore beautiful Yaya Dacasta
beautiful I prefer medium brown or dark skin black women.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Skin cell food to stay young?

answers1: Skin cells need to be fed, just like the rest of the body. <br>
Skin cells contain vitamins, minerals, amino-acids (protein) and water. <br>
If your skin care products contain all of the above proportionally
balanced to suit the skin and you moisturize to avoid dehydration,
there's a good chance your skin will look great. <br>
Of course, sunscreen, enough sleep and a healthy diet are helpful too.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

I need some natural looking makeup ?

answers1: Go to sephora and ask about bareminerals. Its very good and
its a very good deal for the price
answers2: Go to sephora they can give you tips on what makeup would
look good =)
answers3: Well depends on what you want to wear? <br>
Foundation- Covergirl NatureLuxe. <br>
Mascara- Maybelline Full & Soft. <br>
Eyeshadow- Any neutral colors. <br>
Lip gloss/Lipstick- Nude colors.
answers4: Mail to debolina.mj@gmail.com. She is an oriflame
consultant. She will help you with your query.
answers5: If you have one in your area, go to RiteAid and buy a few
things to try at home. Anything you dont like you can return for full
credit! Make up is expensive and its hard to find the right shade
when just starting out. Good luck and be sure to appy in natural
light so you dont look like you are wearing a mask. Shade should
match your neck pretty closely.
answers6: For natural looking makeup I looove using bare minerals :)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Does her makeup look normal/natural?

answers1: Shes really annoying lol
answers2: I really think it's beautiful ... that's not too much ...
really loved it
answers4: Ah, i watch Elle on youtube all the time! <br>
Her make up is always so natural and neutral! <br>
She is gorgeous! My favorite Guru
answers5: It looks really pretty ,she has natural colors but you can
tell she has makeup on ,her makeup looks normal ,Natural is when you
can't tell someone is wearing makeup
answers6: Yeah, her makeup looks rlly nice and natural
answers7: Her makeup does look Natural and she doesn't wear too much.
If you can tell she has a neutral smokey eye and a nude lip color. Her
blush is a very natural color and everything together just works. If
you do this it does not look like it is too much makeup.
answers8: yes she hardly ever wears really strong makeup most of her
looks are more natural ones. she is kind of annoying though. not
nearly as annoying as blair though...i mean jesus christ lol

Friday, November 22, 2019

better with or without makeup? (pics included)?

answers1: You're beautiful in both pictures but the one with makeup
makes you look superb!
answers2: Without
answers3: You look really pretty without. <br>
But, I think if you just used mascara, with some eyeshadow on the top,
and a really thin bit of eyeliner on the bottom, that would look
pretty too!
answers4: No question, without. <br>
You're naturally dark and exotic looking, so when you put the eyeliner
on, it makes you look kinda trashy. <br>
You may think it's cute, because guys are looking at you, but if you
look trashy, they're thinking "damn, that girl looks trashy", not what
you WANT them to think! (I hope!). <br>
Girls wear makeup to try to look like you do naturally. <br>
So consider yourself lucky. <br>
You should at the most, wear just a teeny bit of eyeshadow, but lay
off the eyeliner, you don't need it. <br>
You're very pretty. <br>
(I"m a guy, by the way)
answers5: I like you without makeup. You should just wear foundation
to even out your skin tone, concealer to cover blemishes and lip
gloss-you have angelina jolie lips!
answers6: Your confidence shines through - with or without the make
up. I think that's the most important.
answers7: honestly, you need to speak to a derm about getting
accutane. i'm not trying to be rude, but offer polite advice. once
your skin clears up i think you will look great. i wouldn't go without
makeup if i were you.
answers8: I like you better without makeup. Granted, the makeup covers
up your acne, but it makes your eyes look...heavy I guess. Maybe a
lighter shade of eyeshadow. But you could definitely pull off the Au
natural look if you got some good acne medicine. Alcohol and cocoa
butter work wonders. :)
answers9: i think you would look better without makeup if you had
clearer skin so maybe just wear some powder
answers10: You kinda look the same with makeup. The only difference I
see is your eyes are just darker. Maybe it was the camera lighting and
color, but to me you didnt look any different or better with makeup.

Guysss... ur opinion on makeup?

answers1: That last answer; WOAH. <br>
Lmao. <br>
Most guys look at Mascara and go "What the fu*ck is this?" <br>
They dont even KNOW what bronzer is, Or foundation or just plain
powdered cover up <br>
and Lipgloss is the only thing they can identify. <br>
xDD <br>
Thats kinda creepy that that one dude knows all that
answers2: ya i think some good bronzer lip gloss and mascara is ******
hot but not a lot thats just trashy
answers3: just a little <br>
pile it on = yuk <br>
none = hippie
answers4: I think gals look best with just a little, then no makeup,
and then a lot of makeup. A lot of makeup looks cheap and trashy.
Gals that look good with just a little on or none at all are
definitely keepers.
answers5: without or a little...not a lot
answers6: I prefer natural beauty. Dont like any make up.. Besides
which guys wanna taste make up when kissing a girl???

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Makeup Tips for Deepset Eyes?

BROWN: White <br>
LIGHT GREEN: Gold <br>
DARK GREEN: Blue <br>
DARK BLUE: Pink <br>
MEDUIM BLUE: Lime Green <br>
LIGHT BLUE: Lavender <br>
HAZEL: Light Pink
answers2: mascarea, and try another eyeliner or a liqiud eyelinrer,
they may herlp more, liquid eyeliner make eyes lok so good!
answers3: First, use a cleanser and get rid of dead skin cells. Next,
use a toner (Biore). After, use a lotion or moisturizer. Then, apply
some powder that is the same some color as your skin tone and blend it
into your skin. Keep applying until you receive the coverage that you
want. Then, apply eyeliner and eyeshadow.
answers4: Makeup for small eyes <br>
http://geethabeautytips.blogspot.com/2007/03/makeup-for-small-eyes.html <br>
Makeup tips for deep-set eyes <br>
answers5: Varias veces he comprado sets de maquillaje o otras cosas
para maquillar y siempre he estado muy contenta con las compras, como
a mi hija le gusta mucho imitarme le he comprado a ella también un set
de maquillaje para niñas, un set de juguetes, el set es perfecto, se
divierte mucho jugando con él, he hecho una compra excelente
answers6: start off with some pearly eyshadow (preferably powder) <br>
practice using liquid eyeliner and your problem should be solved
answers7: Try curling your eyelashes and then put mascara on it so
that when you blink, blackness want appear underneath your eye. If you
have a problem with eye liner, then maybe you touch your eyes too much
or scratch / rub them. If not them maybe you should get a lighter
color of eye liner.
answers8: I have to say it depends on the kind of makeup you're using.
Some brands just aren't formulated to work with all kinds of face
types and shapes. It probably smudges because of the materials that
are used to make it and if it's not showing up then you probably want
to look for something with a different base that is meant to support
the skin and encourage it's nature. I can show you some really cute
shades that are naturally based and can be used as liner or shadow
depending on the stroke of the applicator. These are cream shadows so
depending on the pressure you apply to the brush you can have near
sheerness in some spots and more visual enhancements on other parts of
the crease. Plus the makeup is pure and formulated to encourage cell
health which ultimately will be required as deep set eyes have a
tendency to begin drooping with maturation.
answers9: I rely on waterproof eyeliner products to get long-wearing
no-smudge color. You might also have luck with an eyeshadow primer,
which is applied underneath your eyeshadow to help it stay on longer
and not smudge. Most department store high-end makeup brands sell a
makeup or eyeshadow primer for 10-20 dollars, and you can find
waterproof eyeliner and no-budge eyeshadow at any pharmacy or
drugstore like Walgreens.
answers10: I would not use any type of eyeliner for deep set eyes.
Eyelines makes eyes look smaller and deeper. What you can do is use a
bright shade of whatever is your favorite shade and just sweep it
across your lids. Then on the top and and bottom lash line use the
same hue just a darker shade to line them. Another trick is to dip a
brush into a little bit of water to make a type of paste to line the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dark asian and latino hair?

answers1: Asian hair is super straight, Latino hair can vary but
usually it has little more texture
answers2: I think asians hair is probably thinner.
answers3: Usually a asians hair is thin and straight. <br>
Latinos hairs could be from super curly and straight... <br>

Monday, November 18, 2019

Hair Colours And Eye Colours?

answers1: Blonde hair green eyes <br>
Red hair brown eys <br>
Black hair blue eyes <br>
answer mine please? <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkSXE64qSNdrbHvrofbk9F7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120508154155AAVNrKY"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...</a>
answers2: I don't think blonde hair and green eyes are "unique", I
have blonde hair and grey eyes, but upon closer inspection are a muddy
mix of blue and green, and change color according to mood.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Long hair vs short hair?

answers1: Long
answers2: I dont understand what to say but, long hair is cute but you
keep moving your hair up so you can easily see, short hair is cool and
also you dont have to flick your hair up at all
answers3: Long for women, there are few that can pull off short hair.
Ever noticed that old women usually seem to give up and go with the
short hair, easier for them to manage I suppose.
answers4: It depends on many other factors. Some women are sexy with
long hair and some with short. Take different personalities and the
hair that usually matches... <br>
personality=bubbly = short or curly hair. <br>
Calm & cool = long hair, not wavy or curly. <br>
sensuous: long wavy hair. <br>
energetic = short, spiky. <br>
are just some examples and they aren't rules.
answers5: Long Hair deff
answers6: I like short.
answers7: There's no definite answer, sorry. You really just have to
experiment to find out what looks best. Personally, I prefer shoulder
length on most women, but plenty of women look good with longer hair.
answers8: it isn't just the factor of long or short, it all depends on
how you have it styled, and you personality, for instance my girl
friend has shorter hair, but there are are other girls in the school
that have short hair that it don't look good with there hair short,
and it changes from guy to guy. hope this helps
answers9: I would have to say just barely below the shoulders, if not
level with the shoulders. Short hair is not appealing to as large a
group of men I would say.
answers10: Long hair,it's very uncommon to see a girl who looks good
with short hair.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Brown hair vs blonde hair?

answers1: To answer your question honestly there is no wrong or right
answer to this question. Everyone has there different likes and some
prefer blonde hair while other prefer brown hair. For me personally I
prefer brown hair and I bet you look gorgeous just the way you are
with your brown hair.
answers2: It really depends on the persons skin tone and features.
Some girls look great with blond hair but others look fake. Some girls
look pretty with brown hair but others look too harsh. It really
depends on skin, hair length/texture, eye colors, sometimes face shape
and complexion, etc.
answers3: To be honest, I don't really know. Some people just look
better with a particular hair color. I guess if you're pretty it
doesn't matter what kind of hairstyle or haircolor you have. But in
general, I find dark blond hair (almost brown) very pretty.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Long hair vs. Short hair?

answers1: Both
answers2: ive had both short and long hair and i would say long hair
because you can do more with it
answers3: Contradicting most of these answers, I'd say short is
awesome. From bobs to pixie cuts, short hair gives a sort of edgy
persona. It gives an outstanding aura, an attitude of a non-conformer
to society. Short hair doesn't mean boyish, though long hair has
always been believed to be more feminine and glamorous. Yes, you can
do more with long hair, but with that comes a price. The expense, the
time and the devotion! With short hair, it's easy to wash, manageable
and stylish at the same time. You can dye streaks into it to give it
an even edgier look, or ruffle it up and have the traditional cute
bedhead style. I dunno, I've got short hair (a simple chin length
messily cut bob with side bangs) and I love it, no matter how many
people tell me they miss my long hair. In the end, it all grows back
answers4: Long hair: <br>
Pros- <br>
~More Hairstyles <br>
~More ways to style (curly) <br>
~Perfect for any season <br>
Cons- <br>
~Can be hard to manage <br>
Short Hair: <br>
Pros- <br>
~Manageable <br>
~Perfect for summer <br>
~Trending summer 2k14 <br>
Cons- <br>
~Less hairstyles
answers5: Long!
answers6: longggg hair!
answers7: long hair
answers8: hmm i think it depends. if a girl has blonde hair, i think
it would look better short. if a girl has long hair i think brown
looks better. i dont really know why though. personally? i like girls
with short blonde hair
answers9: ive had both and both are good, it just depends on how they
suit you as a person.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

i was thinking of buying a citadel 1911 and i had a question about accessories for the 1911's?

answers1: A regular 1911 accessory will work on a regular 1911 <br>
If Citadel builds a full spec 1911 the answer is yes.
answers2: I own a Citadel Concealed Carry 1911.. it's basically an
Officer's Model. Grips designed for the Colt version work fine on it.
You didn't mention what specific accessory or accessories you are
interested in so I gave the simplest answer I could. It would take
too much effort to list them all.
answers3: i have yet, to see a 1911, with a rail for Accessories..hmmm
good question!! I am a glock man, and glock does not make a 1911 style
pistol, but all glocks come with standard rails! heywood say's he
carries a 1911 concealed? must be a big dude? i carry my g23 and
that's even hard to conceal. now put some Accessories on it, and try
to carry it..good luck!

Monday, November 11, 2019

How should i do my hair and what accessories should i wear with my red strapless dress?

answers1: you should just curl your hair and keep it down and if you
want accessories you should wear earring(not dangly earrings) and
matching necklace (well it also depends if you want to be fancy)
answers2: first of all- thats soo cute! lol and i think that the curl
to the side is like a sweet, cute and kind of and innocent look <br>
just leaving your hair down well it kinda depends if its curly, wavy
or straight. lol i think i would probably leave my hair down but curl
it a little bit <br>
for accessories im not really sure maybe like a subtle red necklace
and a black bracelet? idk im not the best to ask for accessory help
lol and a clutch would look great! <br>
hope this helps!!
answers3: Silver, red, and black accessories. <br>
I would get a sparkly black clutch or a silver one, to match accessories. <br>
The hair idea was what i would've suggested so, great! <br>
& cute dress btw, i was going to get one like that for a wedding, but
i didn't:(
answers4: you should get black accessories, no necklace but lots of
bangles and big earings and have your hair curled and to the side with
a red and black Barret holding it in place. <br>
answer mine ? <br>
: I like that hair idea. Wear a black necklace. Maybe a
bracelet. and a clutch sounds good. <br>
I like the dress. (:
answers6: i would go with a long curled style to the side with a nice
cilp to pin it. all black or sliver accessories.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What bedroom accessories would go with this?

answers1: are available off the dance floor and faucet those ft to
three 2d hand shops & backyard sales! each thing you're searching for
(different than consistent with threat the mattress cover) would
properly be discovered for pennies on the dollar. And maximum
circumstances, all they want is a dusting off and a clean coat of of
answers2: Maybe try to go with white accessories, like white curtains
and a white lamp, things like that. For the walls, maybe have them
painted tan and for the floor, dark brown hardwood floor or dark brown
carpet, which ever one you prefer. And for dressers and little tables
and stuff, match them with the same frame board as the one on your bed
Hope this helps!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How do I get Windows XP accessories back?

answers1: Hello, to restore shortcuts to the Accessories group in
Windows XP, you can try this utility: <br>
AccRestore - restores missing shortcuts to the Accessories group <br>
This utility restores the missing shortcuts to the Start Menu
Accessories group. The Accessories group includes sub-folders namely
Accessibility, Communications, System Tools, Entertainment. <br>
You can download it here (for Windows XP only): <br>
answers2: try here. <br>
<a href="http://forums.techarena.in/windows-xp-support/896877.htm"
it might help

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cute bag for high school?Accessories?

answers1: Bag; So, I don't know what stores you have at your local
mall, so I'll give you a few options(: <br>
Option one: http://mobile.usablenet.com/mt/www.ae.com/web/browse/category_feature_item.jsp?catId=cat90052
sorry this is the mobile site.. hopefully it'll convert, haha idk. But
this is obviously more than one bag but I don't know you personnally
and all the bags appeal to different styles, and are in your price
range. If I had to pick a fave the it would probably be the "ae uptown
tote" in black, since it would go with pretty much every outfit since
its not a very exotic color, and stains etcc., won't be visible. <br>
Option two: http://www2.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=188ac51&DeptID=71275&CatID=71286&SO=0&x5view=1&Ne=4+5+1031+8+18+904+949+833&N=4294953539+4294966767&Nao=0&PSO=0&CmCatId=70646|71286
I think its big enough for books,etc., and its cutee, but then again I
don't know your style! <br>
Also this is a good video on what to keep in your bag for school(:
Accessories: <br>
-Hair: pre-wrap is really cute when your wearing a messy bun,
hopefully you know what pre-wrap is, if not google it(: also, braided
headbands etc., are cute too. Other than that keep it simple as to
hair accessories, maybe some cute bobby pins or clips, but nothing
weird haha. <br>
-Jewelry: american eagle has GREAT jewelry, their necklaces and
bracelets are really, really popular. Other types of bracelets include
woven ones (hopefully you know what I mean) friendship bracelet type
bracelets, and lots of them. Also fuego has cute bracelets. Mix up
what jewelry you wear, but not like gold and silver or two pieces that
have the same color but made of different things (ex. Pink plastic
bracelet and pink metal necklace. Also leather bracelets (braided or
plain) are really cute.
answers2: idk your funds, yet some sturdy college totes are from marc
jacobs and notice by using chloe. their non leather-based bags are
fairly gentle, ideal for sporting around college. and that they are
the ideal length to hold ur books. visit bloomingdales.
answers3: Okay, for a bag: get a backpack. This may sound dorky, but
everybody wears them in highschool because lockers are so inconvenient
and you have so much to carry! Get a really nice one that will last
you multiple years and won't look immature. TheNorthFace has the best
ones, but I think they're around like $60. L.L. Bean also has some
good ones for around $50. High Sierra has my personal favorite for
around $40, so I think that would be your best bet. And seriously,
you'll be thankful you chose a bag with two straps that distribute the
weight equally on your back, rather than splurging on some shoulder
bag that will cause pain and won't hold as much. <br>
As for accessories... <br>
Bangles are always cute. <br>
A leather belt does amazing things. <br>
You can't go wrong with a scarf. <br>
Dangly earings are overrated. <br>
Rings are very chic. <br>
As for headbands, the thinner the better. <br>
Simple lockets beat gaudy pendants. <br>
I really hope this helped!
answers4: No wheels or two shoulder back packs. Make it a over one
shoulder, tote bag, purse looking kinda bags. Also, if you don't want
to blend-in the go get a tie-dye back pack with the colors you want
(pink and blue or whatever colors.) Or just the color you like and add
beads, charms, key chains, studs that say your name, ECT. Head bands
are cute with the bows on them, studs, sparkles, or plain. The ones
that have the long ribbons hanging off are OUT. Charm bracelets,
bangles, those metal ones that clasp together or hook together.
Necklaces to match your outfit, long ones with chunky jewls. NO
chokers there OUT. Leggings that have lace on the bottom, plain colors
NO crazy bright colors, rips, or fishnets. Also, get cute wedge heels
or flats =)

Thursday, November 7, 2019


answers1: Tell me about it M%TH@ F%CK@!!!!!!!!!
answers2: Because they're ******* annoying, like a fashion statement
answers3: who cares
answers4: SHIET <br>
answers6: I am glad that you feel this way. I am not sure why, but I
am glad the same. I think.
answers7: ALL CAPS RAGE !!!!
answers9: Shove a broom up my @ss. <br>
That sounds hot.
answers10: Someone needs to take his Valium.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What should i name my fashion blog?

answers1: Famous Fashion [= <br>
StyleNSmile <br>
Uhmm.. thats all i guess ? Hahah sorry.
answers2: Fashionista ^^*

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tell me something about fashion because my employer ask me what is fashion?

answers1: I don't think you can really define it. It's an opinion. But
they will probably want some corny answer like...Fashion is being able
make even the most unflattering outfit look good by accessorizing and
giving it your own personal touch.
answers2: Tell Me About Fashion

Monday, November 4, 2019

what is funcky fashion?

answers1: Funky fashion back then was brgiht colors and everything. <br>
know it's baggy pants for the guys and leggings for the the girls

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fashion Design?

answers1: 1) What would I get my degree in? <br>
See http://www.payscale.com/rcsearch.aspx?category=Degree%2FMajor+Subject&str=fashion+design&CountryName=United+States&SourceId=Job
2) How many years to become a fashion designer? Normally 4 years for a
bachelor. <br>
3) Is being a fashion designer a hard job? <br>
Not if you love it! <br>
4) What kinds of companies could I work for if I became a fashion
designer? <br>
Most designers freelancer or start their own company but you can also
work for another more established designer or clothing company. <br>
5) What is the yearly salary for a fashion designer? <br>
Between $33,545 - $97,082 <br>
6) What's the difference between illustration fashion and fashion design? <br>
See this similar YA thread
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100305041235AA6jD3O <br>
7) Any helpful books that teach beginners how to draw figures,
fabrics, clothes, etc..? <br>
Sorry I don't have any in mind. <br>
8) How do fashion designers sell their designs? <br>
Networking with the right people. Fashion shows. <br>
9) What's a "portfolio" that fashion designers keep? <br>
Most are design samples.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How to write a Hero essay for Humanities Class?

answers1: whahhboom throw up im in the house
answers2: I&#x27;m in a college humanities class and love it, we get
articles a lot they help to understand and structure our thinkin of
society, race, gendar, ethics, white power, and so on and so forth.
The link below is my favorite article.
answers3: Ashley. <br>
Strange; I was just writing a story about a young boy. Who! May not
actually meet all the criteria of a "hero", but could at the very
least fall into the category of "American Patriot". A "Tom Brokaw"
type, as in his book <br>
(THE GREATEST GENERATION). The story is set in a small Southwest town
in 1947, not long after the end of "WW-11" ,and the beginning of the
"COLD WAR". <br>
The young boy, like so many others of that era ;who very much wanted
to avenge "Pearl Harbor", but were too young to enlist into the
service. <br>
This young boy drops out of school in order to pursue full time
employment as a cook at a local well-known Hotel (Conrad Hilton). <br>
At age 17-(1947) now had completed four years employment at the
Hotel. The management in turn offers the youth a "full Scholarship" To
attend The "Cornell Culinary Institute" in New York. But the boy
declines the offer, because he still wants to make up for what he
feels he missed out of WW-11.The Cold War was escalating at a rapid
pace. <br>
The boy volunteers into the US Air Force. <br>
Because of his extensive four years civilian training. He by-passes
any military technical schools. He is further processed for
"over-seas" duty. Still at age "seventeen". <br>
In the final days of "basic training" He is seriously injured in
combat maneuvers. After a brief period of hospitalization he is up
for "medical" discharge, but refuses the discharge, at the same time
convincing the examining doctor; he is capable of continuing his
military service. <br>
Now in much physical and emotional pain form his injury, his overseas
assignment is " ADAK" in the "Aleutian Islands" …The End Of The Earth
Where The Winds Are Born. <br>
NOTE: The Aleutian Islands; was the only "theater of war" in the
world;. Where the rotation of troops was "One Year". <br>
Anyone who did "military service" on " Adak" in the early years of
the "COLD WAR" contributes abundantly to an entirely "different
meaning" of "COLD" and "WAR". The boy in mention
answers4: One person who was strong in mind, body, and spirit, and who
met some of the most difficult challenges of our modern world
(funding, poverty, caring), is Mother Teresa. <br>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa"
Very much like working in "The Inferno," dealing with "The Prince"
conditions, and living the life of Saint Thomas More's "Utopia." <br>
Also, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus"
gives another kind of hero. Dr. Yunus was even more dealing with "The
Prince," and "Lysistrata" does tie in, as many of the
micro-entrepreneurs are women. <br>
You might be able to create a modern of a combination of the lives of
the two real people given above. <br>
"Creation: Artistic and Spiritual," Omraam Aivanhov, is a helpful
"how to" re "creativity." His own life <br>
is sketched at <a
Jacques Lusseyran is another modern hero:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Lusseyran <br>
Yogananda is another modern hero:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Important figures in the world of humanities?

answers1: Your so-called "secular circulate" has already gone too far.
very few examples from my state -- a million. no authorities
workplaces at any element would demonstrate Christmas timber because
Christmas is linked with Christ; 2. all those selfmade, unhappy little
shrines you spot alongside highways commemorating someone killed in a
automobile twist of destiny should be bumped off if a go is component
to the demonstrate; 3. no public college is allowed to dedicate as a
lot as one 2d of sophistication time for any student(s) who might want
to prefer to wish silently In a rustic like the united states of a the
position morals, ethics and team spirit were replaced through a Me
First ideology awash in sex, violence and medicines, eliminating the
magnificent puny vestiges of Christian principals might want to really
go a lengthy thoughts in hammering yet another nail in our us of a's
answers2: everyone is important and beautiful in their own way