Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is the best thing to find in a girl???? 10 points!!!Beauty/personality wise!?

answers1: Compatibility and mutual interest in each other.
answers2: Beauty Wise; <br>
Someone who is naturally beautiful, that doesn't have to load the
makeup on, & be fake. I think some people just take that outta hands
sometimes. <br>
Personality; <br>
Someone who is sweet, & loving. ... strong, & will help you throughout
the relationship. Someone who isn't full of themself, and is thinking
of others. Someone who is very confident in themselves and wont let
anyone ever bring them down. :] <br>
Other; <br>
Just being themselves and not following everyone else...
answers3: Beauty- looks pretty. <br>
Personality-not slutty or anything, but nice. <br>
Others- make sure she doesn't do drugs and cheat.
answers4: Beauty - natural beauty or a girl who knows how to look good
w/o overdoing it <br>
Personality - Outgoing, funny, smart --> These are main components of
a likable person <br>
Other - Someone who is clean, knows how to take care of herself, isn't
bit*hy, doesn't complain or nags a lot, and most importantly a person
who is caring, honest, and loyal <br>
And everyone should have an ambitious quality!

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