Saturday, December 21, 2019

Buddhism life styles?

answers1: Buddhists usually make the 5 Precepts Vows: <br>
- not to steal (not to take anything that is not actually and freely
GIVEN to you by its owner) <br>
- not to lie (not even to mislead) <br>
- not to kill (even insects) <br>
- not to engage in wrongful sexuality (adultery, cheating, using others) <br>
- not to become intoxicated/stoned. <br>
And they will meditate every morning ... an hour is the minimum. <br>
Apart from that, they live and look like anyone else. <br>
Except the longer they are a Buddhist, the harder it is to get them
annoyed, upset, angry, or frightened .. and they tend to smile more
and laugh gently and easily .. more than non-Buddhists. <br>
And they don't tend to talk about themselves a lot or demand the spotlight. <br>
They also seemed to be very willing to help. <br>
But these are behaviors that are easy to miss if you aren't looking
for them. <br>
Buddhism is essentially disciplining your mind, and using the focused
mind to look inward and observe what goes on inside of you. Buddhism
is not really a lifestyle, nor a philosophy, nor a religion .. it's
something you do and MOST of what you are doing is being done inside
.. not observable by others.
answers2: Life styles depend on the (Buddhist) tradition and if you
are a lay believer of a priest. <br>
I have been practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism for almost 30 years.
The Buddhist practice is a very important part of my life. Our
practice contains the practice of Gongyo (recitation of parts of the
Lotus Sutra) and chanting of Daimoku, Nam-Myohh-Renge-Kyo. Besides
that attending temple activities and study. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
is based on the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, a Japanese priest who
lived during the 13th century. The main temple is located in Japan,
but there are many local temples and people practicing this Buddhism
in many countries around the world. <br>
Is you are interested in getting some more information about this I
would suggest to read:
answers3: Buddha says so much about life style... <br>
You need to read their Holy Text first. <br>
<a href="http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/texts.htm"

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