Thursday, December 19, 2019

Are you aware of your inner beauty?

answers1: Not sure how I see that. Seems I am loved and hated for the
same reasons. Some say I am sensitive... not a word I ever gave any
thought.. but they say that's a good thing. Others say I am naive and
need to get over it. <br>
I guess being sensitive is what I always considered caring too much. I
sometimes have this silent argument with myself about whether it's a
good thing or I need to change. It's not exactly the most productive
way to be... in this kind of world. <br>
And let's not forget... if you're "nice", you're "boring". <br>
Maybe... I just need to remember...some people don't know me or they
wouldn't feel I am so bad?
answers2: I am slowly finding it again
answers3: YES, I am Always aware of My Inner Beauty,Because, I am More
Interested in Doing Make up for My inner Beauty than My Outer
Beauty,But, some times My ANGRY, without Control Spoiling My Inner
answers4: God is beautiful, and He lives within me, so, yes. It is He
who gave me compassion and kindness.
answers5: First; what is inner beauty?
answers6: ahem, excuse me, but its inner AND outer beauty for me
*swishes hair to the side with stuck up look on face* ;-D <br>
yes, im aware of it, along with all my inner horrible parts too ;-) <br>
are you aware of yours mr walker?
answers7: I am! I only wish others were aware of my inner beauty too.
answers8: Define inner beauty. I try very hard to keep on the right
track, occasionally there is a slight wobble.

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