Friday, December 13, 2019

What happened to jesus body?

answers1: Just because we don't know where a body is doesn't mean we
don't know they existed. Think
answers2: Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 that there are only
two kinds of bodies. The human, like Adam, is described as what Paul
calls a soma psychicon or "soul-like body." The second body is what he
calls soma pneumaticon, or "spirit-like body." He gives both body
types several descriptive terms. <br>
This soma psychicon or soul-like body was to be "offered up" as a
sacrifice for the sins of the world. <br>
(Hebrews 10:5, 10). <br>
Through the power of God and the Holy Spirit,Jesus was resurrected to
life again, life in a glorified body, fit for heaven. Jesus is the
first-fruits of those who will be resurrected. If it were not for the
resurrection, there would be no Christianity and no hope for sinful
humanity. <br>
Don't even bother looking for his body or grave
answers3: Actually, a better question than you might think... <br>
The gospels don't agree. Some tell you the tomb was empty. It may be
that Jesus lived, was put in that tomb, for just a little while. We
know that it was empty, when the Roman solidier looked, but he wasn't
always there. The gospels simply don't agree.... and some writers
suggest that he survived, and left the area. I'll give you the
article at the end. <br>
Pilate is said to have stated that he died too quickly. and only John
says he was nailed to the cross, and had a soldier stab him in the
abdomen. None of the others state he was nailed and stabbed, and John
was the very last gospel of the four to be written.When you read the
Gospels, read them in parallel, not one after the other. You'd be
surprised what you can come up with.... and there are even hints that
this is what Jesus expected.... that he'd live. See the conversations
in the Garden of Gethsemane.... <br>
Maybe you can find this book and this article below. ( This is called
The Swoon Theory) <br>
Read the article in The End of Christianity by John W. Luftus,
available either from Amazon, or in your public library. Chapter 9
Examining the Resurrection Without Recourse to Miracle, by Dr. Robert
M. Price, p219-232
answers4: Jesus physical body did not enter into heaven as the Bible
clearly states that flesh and blood cannot enter into heaven. <br>
The physical body of Jesus Christ was not allowed to decay into dust
as did the bodies of Moses and David, men who were used to foreshadow
Christ. (De 34:5, 6; Ac 13:35, 36; 2:27, 31) When his disciples went
to the tomb early on the first day of the week, Jesus' body had
disappeared, and the bandages with which his body had been wrapped
were left in the tomb, his body doubtless having been disintegrated
without passing through the process of decaying.—Joh 20:2-9; Lu
24:3-6. <br>
After Jesus' resurrection he appeared in different bodies. Mary
mistook him for the gardener. (Joh 20:14, 15) He again appeared,
entering a room with locked doors, having a body with wound marks.
(Joh 20:24-29) Several times he manifested himself and was recognized,
not by his appearance, but by his words and actions. (Lu 24:15, 16,
30, 31, 36-45; Mt 28:16-18) Once a miracle performed at his direction
opened his disciples' eyes to his identity. (Joh 21:4-7, 12) Jesus,
having been resurrected as a spirit (1Pe 3:18), could materialize a
body for the occasion as the angels did in past times, when they
appeared as messengers. (Ge 18:2; 19:1, 12; Jos 5:13, 14; Jg 13:3, 6;
Heb 13:2)
answers5: According to the Bible? After visiting his buddies, he
floated up to heaven in his body.
answers6: You must believe that Hannibal of Carthage and Attila the
Hun are equally fictional, then. <br>
Not to mention JFK....
answers7: He resurrected. <br>
<a href="http://www.reasonableanswers.org/12-Eyewitnesses-of-the-resurrection.html"
answers8: I never could grasp the concept of someone reanimating after
death and flying away in the sky. C`mon.,..really now.
answers9: If you read the Bible you would know,when he came back he
changed the body. marry thought him to be the gardener.He stayed on
earth for 40 days and went to Heaven to take his place As King of
God's kingdom.
answers10: No longer needed, it became part of the clouds. His spirit
returned to it's original form as <br>
when God created it.

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