Tuesday, December 10, 2019

is peeling skin normal?

answers1: if you have warts that dry up and pop them and they start
peeling off, it sounds to me like if you have fungus infection like
athlete's foot except in your fingers, it's not life threatening, so
you shouldn't worry much, i used to have them when i was a kid, if you
wont to get rid of it, go to your local formancy, i'm not sure if this
is what you have, this is just an hypothesis, ask a doctor or some one
who specializes in those kind of things, hoped this helped
answers2: Sounds like leprosy. <br>
I'm just kidding. It's a perfectly normal thing. Your fingers get a
lot of action throughout a day. All this action breaks down the skin
and makes your fingers build callouses. Your outer skin will peel.
It will all go away within a couple of days unless you keeping working
them hard. But don't worry too much about it.
answers3: yes it's perfectly normal mine do tht everyday! i use a
scrub from bath and bodyworks from bluespa. it's called 'just a
minute' and you just rub ure hands w. it for a m inute and it get's
rid of it!
answers4: Yes, its just dead skin... use a scrub... don't worry!!! :)

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