Monday, December 16, 2019

What do you think about beauty?

answers1: Beauty in general is nice. I mean we are humans and we enjoy
what is pleasing to the eyes. <br>
Beauty in humans though can easily take an evil turn. We place too
much value on such a random pointless thing and treat those who
possess beauty as holy. Those who lack it as worthless and even
ridicule them. <br>
Luckily in today's world, everyone can achieve their own version of
"beauty" through any process. <br>
THE most annoying thing (to me) about "beauty" is when people think
that THEY are some kind of determiner of what is "hot or not". I just
wanna be like okay that's just *your* opinion! <br>
...First answer was dumb...
answers2: What if.... <br>
the people most people think are pretty are actually ugly?
answers3: though people would like to believe itz all about inner
beauty, our culture judges people by looks in all. why do u think
friend groups all look the same...and people wear the same clothes!
well that might not count but that's wut i think of ^__^
answers4: Beauty is very important in our society. People don't pay
attention to inner beauty but once they get to know you that is all
they care about. Inner beauty is way more important than outer!!

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