Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Gangman Style clothing?

answers1: erere
answers2: You mean Gangnam Style. <br>
They're from a chain called Giordano.
answers3: just google

Monday, December 23, 2019

my girlfriend wants a new hair style?

answers1: do a google image search of 2009 hair styles. they have
pretty good ones there :)
answers2: have it layered with pink tips SOOO HOTT ^-^
answers3: sure :D <br>
but can u answer mine after?? thanks! <br>
http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090513121933AAkcpSE <br>
ok, here's pics: <br>
and tons from this site: <br>
answers4: try google amage searching 'Hair Style'. I did that, and
went from long hair to a bob with straight fringe!
answers5: So you want pics from us >?
answers6: just buy any hair magazine. they have tons of different
styles to look at. n it depends if she wants short hair or wants to
keep it long (if it is long)...but yeah, just buy a variety of
answers7: it would help to know what she already has... but whatever. <br>
<a href="http://www.hairstylesdesign.com/gallery/images/short_hairstyles_01_01.jpg"
<a href="http://www.beautyriot.com/stuff/images/articles/approve/4198_5751_Caldwell-Kimberly-01-4x.jpg"
<a href="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_piV2pv_EwGk/SK6igPmEc4I/AAAAAAAAAPE/4lf5kFB0RW4/s400/layered-hair-1.jpg"
http://www.hair-highlight.com/images/brown_hair_highlights_72.jpg <br>
http://www.latimes.com/media/photo/2008-02/36191961.jpg <br>
http://www.johnmichaelandcompany.com/images/long-hairstyles56.jpg <br>
answers8: Depends on the facial structure and what type of hair she has. <br>
I was going to suggest afro, cornrows, beehive, bouffant, or a bob, but...
answers9: she could get a fringe <br>
http://trend911.com/wp-content/1bilson2.jpg <br>
http://hair-craft.co.uk/files/Kate%20Moss%20Fringe.jpg <br>
or a bob <br>
http://www.hairfinder.com/celebrityhairstyles/sarah-harding.jpg <br>
or a crop <br>
http://weblogs.amny.com/entertainment/urbanite/blog/Rihanna.gif <br>
hope this helped

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How do you use style sheets?

answers1: Cascading Style Sheets or CSS allow you to control the
layout and look of your page easily. CSS tags or properties are easy
to use and affect the look and feel or style of your pages.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Buddhism life styles?

answers1: Buddhists usually make the 5 Precepts Vows: <br>
- not to steal (not to take anything that is not actually and freely
GIVEN to you by its owner) <br>
- not to lie (not even to mislead) <br>
- not to kill (even insects) <br>
- not to engage in wrongful sexuality (adultery, cheating, using others) <br>
- not to become intoxicated/stoned. <br>
And they will meditate every morning ... an hour is the minimum. <br>
Apart from that, they live and look like anyone else. <br>
Except the longer they are a Buddhist, the harder it is to get them
annoyed, upset, angry, or frightened .. and they tend to smile more
and laugh gently and easily .. more than non-Buddhists. <br>
And they don't tend to talk about themselves a lot or demand the spotlight. <br>
They also seemed to be very willing to help. <br>
But these are behaviors that are easy to miss if you aren't looking
for them. <br>
Buddhism is essentially disciplining your mind, and using the focused
mind to look inward and observe what goes on inside of you. Buddhism
is not really a lifestyle, nor a philosophy, nor a religion .. it's
something you do and MOST of what you are doing is being done inside
.. not observable by others.
answers2: Life styles depend on the (Buddhist) tradition and if you
are a lay believer of a priest. <br>
I have been practicing Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism for almost 30 years.
The Buddhist practice is a very important part of my life. Our
practice contains the practice of Gongyo (recitation of parts of the
Lotus Sutra) and chanting of Daimoku, Nam-Myohh-Renge-Kyo. Besides
that attending temple activities and study. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
is based on the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, a Japanese priest who
lived during the 13th century. The main temple is located in Japan,
but there are many local temples and people practicing this Buddhism
in many countries around the world. <br>
Is you are interested in getting some more information about this I
would suggest to read:
answers3: Buddha says so much about life style... <br>
You need to read their Holy Text first. <br>
<a href="http://www.religionfacts.com/buddhism/texts.htm"

Friday, December 20, 2019

Beauty Blogger name ideas?

answers1: Blushing Beauty, Beauty Bliss, Pretty Face, Makeup
101...Hope this helps! Good Luck! :)
answers2: Check out this free ebook on beauty blogging. There's a
chapter with step by step instructions on how to pick a great name for
your blog. Lots of other helpful info too.
: xxx_That_Skanky_***_Hoe_xxx

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Are you aware of your inner beauty?

answers1: Not sure how I see that. Seems I am loved and hated for the
same reasons. Some say I am sensitive... not a word I ever gave any
thought.. but they say that's a good thing. Others say I am naive and
need to get over it. <br>
I guess being sensitive is what I always considered caring too much. I
sometimes have this silent argument with myself about whether it's a
good thing or I need to change. It's not exactly the most productive
way to be... in this kind of world. <br>
And let's not forget... if you're "nice", you're "boring". <br>
Maybe... I just need to remember...some people don't know me or they
wouldn't feel I am so bad?
answers2: I am slowly finding it again
answers3: YES, I am Always aware of My Inner Beauty,Because, I am More
Interested in Doing Make up for My inner Beauty than My Outer
Beauty,But, some times My ANGRY, without Control Spoiling My Inner
answers4: God is beautiful, and He lives within me, so, yes. It is He
who gave me compassion and kindness.
answers5: First; what is inner beauty?
answers6: ahem, excuse me, but its inner AND outer beauty for me
*swishes hair to the side with stuck up look on face* ;-D <br>
yes, im aware of it, along with all my inner horrible parts too ;-) <br>
are you aware of yours mr walker?
answers7: I am! I only wish others were aware of my inner beauty too.
answers8: Define inner beauty. I try very hard to keep on the right
track, occasionally there is a slight wobble.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Survey ~ What is REAL beauty to you?

answers1: a good heart <br>
bq: compassion and a good sense of humour
answers2: A triple-decker ice cream sundae
answers3: personality <br>
the Attraction
answers4: The moon and stars , so many song's have been written about
them , romance , life . <br>
Beauty in a person is what the eye cannot see , it is the feeling the
person gives you , to make you laugh and joy and to be loved and
needed this is beauty .Too many in the world never receive this gift
answers5: personality
answers6: Beauty isn't just about looks. It's how someone makes you
feel when you are with them.
answers7: Dizz, A natural woman with fur in the right place's and a cute as*
answers8: Beauty that comes from the inside, out. A nice smile and a
friendly disposition.
answers9: Intelligence, being real/natural and maturity
answers10: I love nature- the mountains and sun sets! :) and the
starry skies. Beautiful. Real beauty is that which touches the soul.
Two things I consider beauty in a person: <br>
Good Character: Their personality makes them attractive, even physically ;) <br>
The way one lives life: Dreams, hopes, hobbies etc.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is the best thing to find in a girl???? 10 points!!!Beauty/personality wise!?

answers1: Compatibility and mutual interest in each other.
answers2: Beauty Wise; <br>
Someone who is naturally beautiful, that doesn't have to load the
makeup on, & be fake. I think some people just take that outta hands
sometimes. <br>
Personality; <br>
Someone who is sweet, & loving. ... strong, & will help you throughout
the relationship. Someone who isn't full of themself, and is thinking
of others. Someone who is very confident in themselves and wont let
anyone ever bring them down. :] <br>
Other; <br>
Just being themselves and not following everyone else...
answers3: Beauty- looks pretty. <br>
Personality-not slutty or anything, but nice. <br>
Others- make sure she doesn't do drugs and cheat.
answers4: Beauty - natural beauty or a girl who knows how to look good
w/o overdoing it <br>
Personality - Outgoing, funny, smart --> These are main components of
a likable person <br>
Other - Someone who is clean, knows how to take care of herself, isn't
bit*hy, doesn't complain or nags a lot, and most importantly a person
who is caring, honest, and loyal <br>
And everyone should have an ambitious quality!

Monday, December 16, 2019

What do you think about beauty?

answers1: Beauty in general is nice. I mean we are humans and we enjoy
what is pleasing to the eyes. <br>
Beauty in humans though can easily take an evil turn. We place too
much value on such a random pointless thing and treat those who
possess beauty as holy. Those who lack it as worthless and even
ridicule them. <br>
Luckily in today's world, everyone can achieve their own version of
"beauty" through any process. <br>
THE most annoying thing (to me) about "beauty" is when people think
that THEY are some kind of determiner of what is "hot or not". I just
wanna be like okay that's just *your* opinion! <br>
...First answer was dumb...
answers2: What if.... <br>
the people most people think are pretty are actually ugly?
answers3: though people would like to believe itz all about inner
beauty, our culture judges people by looks in all. why do u think
friend groups all look the same...and people wear the same clothes!
well that might not count but that's wut i think of ^__^
answers4: Beauty is very important in our society. People don't pay
attention to inner beauty but once they get to know you that is all
they care about. Inner beauty is way more important than outer!!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What can i use to lighting my body?

answers1: Maybe you should have a cat so your body is moving.
answers2: yes
answers3: uhh........this is the fish section.........

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gotham City Impostors body armor question.?

answers1: Yes, choosing the largest body type and wearing body armor
increases the endurance for your character... <br>
Good luck!

Friday, December 13, 2019

What happened to jesus body?

answers1: Just because we don't know where a body is doesn't mean we
don't know they existed. Think
answers2: Paul writes in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 that there are only
two kinds of bodies. The human, like Adam, is described as what Paul
calls a soma psychicon or "soul-like body." The second body is what he
calls soma pneumaticon, or "spirit-like body." He gives both body
types several descriptive terms. <br>
This soma psychicon or soul-like body was to be "offered up" as a
sacrifice for the sins of the world. <br>
(Hebrews 10:5, 10). <br>
Through the power of God and the Holy Spirit,Jesus was resurrected to
life again, life in a glorified body, fit for heaven. Jesus is the
first-fruits of those who will be resurrected. If it were not for the
resurrection, there would be no Christianity and no hope for sinful
humanity. <br>
Don't even bother looking for his body or grave
answers3: Actually, a better question than you might think... <br>
The gospels don't agree. Some tell you the tomb was empty. It may be
that Jesus lived, was put in that tomb, for just a little while. We
know that it was empty, when the Roman solidier looked, but he wasn't
always there. The gospels simply don't agree.... and some writers
suggest that he survived, and left the area. I'll give you the
article at the end. <br>
Pilate is said to have stated that he died too quickly. and only John
says he was nailed to the cross, and had a soldier stab him in the
abdomen. None of the others state he was nailed and stabbed, and John
was the very last gospel of the four to be written.When you read the
Gospels, read them in parallel, not one after the other. You'd be
surprised what you can come up with.... and there are even hints that
this is what Jesus expected.... that he'd live. See the conversations
in the Garden of Gethsemane.... <br>
Maybe you can find this book and this article below. ( This is called
The Swoon Theory) <br>
Read the article in The End of Christianity by John W. Luftus,
available either from Amazon, or in your public library. Chapter 9
Examining the Resurrection Without Recourse to Miracle, by Dr. Robert
M. Price, p219-232
answers4: Jesus physical body did not enter into heaven as the Bible
clearly states that flesh and blood cannot enter into heaven. <br>
The physical body of Jesus Christ was not allowed to decay into dust
as did the bodies of Moses and David, men who were used to foreshadow
Christ. (De 34:5, 6; Ac 13:35, 36; 2:27, 31) When his disciples went
to the tomb early on the first day of the week, Jesus' body had
disappeared, and the bandages with which his body had been wrapped
were left in the tomb, his body doubtless having been disintegrated
without passing through the process of decaying.—Joh 20:2-9; Lu
24:3-6. <br>
After Jesus' resurrection he appeared in different bodies. Mary
mistook him for the gardener. (Joh 20:14, 15) He again appeared,
entering a room with locked doors, having a body with wound marks.
(Joh 20:24-29) Several times he manifested himself and was recognized,
not by his appearance, but by his words and actions. (Lu 24:15, 16,
30, 31, 36-45; Mt 28:16-18) Once a miracle performed at his direction
opened his disciples' eyes to his identity. (Joh 21:4-7, 12) Jesus,
having been resurrected as a spirit (1Pe 3:18), could materialize a
body for the occasion as the angels did in past times, when they
appeared as messengers. (Ge 18:2; 19:1, 12; Jos 5:13, 14; Jg 13:3, 6;
Heb 13:2)
answers5: According to the Bible? After visiting his buddies, he
floated up to heaven in his body.
answers6: You must believe that Hannibal of Carthage and Attila the
Hun are equally fictional, then. <br>
Not to mention JFK....
answers7: He resurrected. <br>
<a href="http://www.reasonableanswers.org/12-Eyewitnesses-of-the-resurrection.html"
answers8: I never could grasp the concept of someone reanimating after
death and flying away in the sky. C`mon.,..really now.
answers9: If you read the Bible you would know,when he came back he
changed the body. marry thought him to be the gardener.He stayed on
earth for 40 days and went to Heaven to take his place As King of
God's kingdom.
answers10: No longer needed, it became part of the clouds. His spirit
returned to it's original form as <br>
when God created it.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

ribosome to human body?

answers1: Ribosomes are in all cells they help construct Amino acids
in our bodies
answers2: ribosomes ARE in the human body. They produce protien. So I
would compare them to the liver which produces plasma proteins

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Decomposing bodies....?

answers1: yes
answers2: It depends on temperature and how well the body is sealed
up. The bacteria within the body will cause decomposition if the body
is at normal temperatures.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

is peeling skin normal?

answers1: if you have warts that dry up and pop them and they start
peeling off, it sounds to me like if you have fungus infection like
athlete's foot except in your fingers, it's not life threatening, so
you shouldn't worry much, i used to have them when i was a kid, if you
wont to get rid of it, go to your local formancy, i'm not sure if this
is what you have, this is just an hypothesis, ask a doctor or some one
who specializes in those kind of things, hoped this helped
answers2: Sounds like leprosy. <br>
I'm just kidding. It's a perfectly normal thing. Your fingers get a
lot of action throughout a day. All this action breaks down the skin
and makes your fingers build callouses. Your outer skin will peel.
It will all go away within a couple of days unless you keeping working
them hard. But don't worry too much about it.
answers3: yes it's perfectly normal mine do tht everyday! i use a
scrub from bath and bodyworks from bluespa. it's called 'just a
minute' and you just rub ure hands w. it for a m inute and it get's
rid of it!
answers4: Yes, its just dead skin... use a scrub... don't worry!!! :)

Monday, December 9, 2019

I have Pale white skin if I mary or have a child with a black person what color skin will our children have?

answers1: white skin 25% black skin 25% in between skin 50% . im just
guessing baseed on what i learned in science class.
answers2: why would you marry of have kids with a black person anyway??????

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Does dinking water make skin lighter?

answers1: Hiya <br>
Drinking water is great for the skin, in terms of changing the
pigmentation it shouldn't be too greatly noticeable however if you do
have blochyness or redness it certainly helps to clear this up so this
may be part of the change you are seeing.
answers2: No Really but it hydrates your skin so your Blood is clean
and makes <br>
skin more hydrated dry skin look Darker .