Sunday, November 17, 2019

Long hair vs short hair?

answers1: Long
answers2: I dont understand what to say but, long hair is cute but you
keep moving your hair up so you can easily see, short hair is cool and
also you dont have to flick your hair up at all
answers3: Long for women, there are few that can pull off short hair.
Ever noticed that old women usually seem to give up and go with the
short hair, easier for them to manage I suppose.
answers4: It depends on many other factors. Some women are sexy with
long hair and some with short. Take different personalities and the
hair that usually matches... <br>
personality=bubbly = short or curly hair. <br>
Calm & cool = long hair, not wavy or curly. <br>
sensuous: long wavy hair. <br>
energetic = short, spiky. <br>
are just some examples and they aren't rules.
answers5: Long Hair deff
answers6: I like short.
answers7: There's no definite answer, sorry. You really just have to
experiment to find out what looks best. Personally, I prefer shoulder
length on most women, but plenty of women look good with longer hair.
answers8: it isn't just the factor of long or short, it all depends on
how you have it styled, and you personality, for instance my girl
friend has shorter hair, but there are are other girls in the school
that have short hair that it don't look good with there hair short,
and it changes from guy to guy. hope this helps
answers9: I would have to say just barely below the shoulders, if not
level with the shoulders. Short hair is not appealing to as large a
group of men I would say.
answers10: Long hair,it's very uncommon to see a girl who looks good
with short hair.

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