Monday, November 11, 2019

How should i do my hair and what accessories should i wear with my red strapless dress?

answers1: you should just curl your hair and keep it down and if you
want accessories you should wear earring(not dangly earrings) and
matching necklace (well it also depends if you want to be fancy)
answers2: first of all- thats soo cute! lol and i think that the curl
to the side is like a sweet, cute and kind of and innocent look <br>
just leaving your hair down well it kinda depends if its curly, wavy
or straight. lol i think i would probably leave my hair down but curl
it a little bit <br>
for accessories im not really sure maybe like a subtle red necklace
and a black bracelet? idk im not the best to ask for accessory help
lol and a clutch would look great! <br>
hope this helps!!
answers3: Silver, red, and black accessories. <br>
I would get a sparkly black clutch or a silver one, to match accessories. <br>
The hair idea was what i would've suggested so, great! <br>
& cute dress btw, i was going to get one like that for a wedding, but
i didn't:(
answers4: you should get black accessories, no necklace but lots of
bangles and big earings and have your hair curled and to the side with
a red and black Barret holding it in place. <br>
answer mine ? <br>
: I like that hair idea. Wear a black necklace. Maybe a
bracelet. and a clutch sounds good. <br>
I like the dress. (:
answers6: i would go with a long curled style to the side with a nice
cilp to pin it. all black or sliver accessories.

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