Monday, October 14, 2019

what was the quatering act?

answers1: I found several links that will help you with your school
assignment. <br>
Quartering Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <br>
Quartering Act of...|Quartering Act of...|Quartering in...|Modern
relevanceQuartering Act is the name of at least two 18th-century acts
of the Parliament of Great Britain. These Quartering Acts were used by
the British forces in the American colonies to ensure that British
soldiers had adequate... <br>
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartering_Act - Cached. <br>
Quartering Act (1765) <br>
The role of Quartering Act (1765) in the history of the United States
of America. <br>
www.u-s-history.com/pages/h641.html - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act <br>
British Parliament - 1765. An act to amend and render more effectual,
in his Majesty's dominions in America, an act passed in this present
session of parliament ... <br>
ahp.gatech.edu/quartering_act_1765.htm... - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act of 1765 <br>
The Quartering Act of 1765. March 24, 1765. AN ACT to amend and render
more effectual, in his Majesty's dominions in America, an act passed
in this present session of ... <br>
www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/... - Cached <br>
Quartering Act of 1774 <br>
Established June 2, 1774, the Quartering Act of 1774 was similar in
substance to the Quartering Act of 1765. June 2, 1774. WHEREAS DOUBTS
www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/... - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act - The U.S. Constitution Online ... <br>
The text of the Quartering Act, one of the Intolerable Acts. <br>
www.usconstitution.net/quarteringact.h... - Cached <br>
answers2: It was an amendment in the constitution that prevented any
soldiers from being quartered in a civilian home during a time of
peace. In other words, if theres not a war on US soil, US soldiers
cant come take over our homes and live with us. In this day and age
they probably wouldn't anyway but back in the revolution Britain would
send soldiers over to the colonies to keep an eye on them and enforce
their unfair laws. While they were over here the colonists had to
take them in to their homes and give them a bed, food and cook and
clean for them. The founding fathers wanted to prevent anything like
that from happening again so they put it in the constitution.

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