Wednesday, October 23, 2019

arts and humanities?

answers1: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An7OBLJT1NHAb8jCSfDzpVXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080617121428AAmbanT
: Visual and performing arts (including music) (so that'd be
like dance, photography, fine arts, photography, etc.) <br>
Sociology (maybe) <br>
Anthropology (maybe) <br>
Religion <br>
Gender Studies <br>
Law (probably pre-law) <br>
English Literature (or Poetry) <br>
Creative Writing <br>
Philosophy <br>
Classics (ie. studying literature/language of ancient Greece/Latin) <br>
Language (your choice of language) <br>
answers3: The humanities are anything that are not considered to <br>
be the 'hard sciences' that is any science, math, geography <br>
etc courses. So you are looking at all courses that involve music,
history,languages,philosophy, art, writing, theatre, <br>
visual arts,
answers4: Art ,music,art or music appreciation, and literature classes
are all a part of arts and humanities. Art appreciation is a good
summer class; you get to look at pictures of famous artworks and
compare or critique them.

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