Thursday, October 31, 2019

to which branch "business management(comm management)" belongs? arts and humanities or social sciences?

answers1: Michelle is correct. Business Management and Communications
Management are professional programs which aren't ordinarily included
among the humanities or social sciences. It would be as if you had
asked, to which of these two branches does physics belong (it is a
physical science, not a humanity or a social science)? Some of the
classes used in business and communications may come from the social
sciences (psychology, for example), but that doesn't really make
either of those fields fit into one of the two categories you
answers2: neither I believe it belongs in the business branch (if
you're talking about college classes) if not and those are the only
two options I'd say social sciences.
answers3: French, by way of fact its the language of romance(trend,
politics, philosophy), yet italian for music, and paintings and stuff
like that, even nonetheless french has some beautiful paintings
themselves. Whichever you may desire to do greater

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

More art gallery visits for med students? Other humanities too?

answers1: I think this is good for premeds, and perhaps as an elective
for med students, but in general there is too much to learn just in
medical science to make this kind of thing a requirement. I was an
English major and I would encourage premeds to look beyond the usual
biology/chemistry track and explore the arts and humanities. <br>
We do have a local program to involve med students in the humanities;
it is purely voluntary and extracurricular.
answers2: Ferens in Hull, the day earlier as we communicate. there
grew to become right into a large exhibition of community paintings on
the marketplace - of which a pair have been very large. additionally,
an exh. of very glamourous outfits from c1850 onwards.
answers3: No experience. I didn't know anybody was thinking along
those lines. It's a relief, since I've felt like a voice in the
wilderness all these years recommending an emphasis on humanities to
pre-med students.
answers4: Asked a bunch of actual med students and got a wide range of
responses. <br>
1. I'm not quite sure how many med schools participate in
art/alternative therapies. I know many actual hospitals do. Music
therapy is starting to get big in hospitals with cancer patients,
dementia, children, rehab, the list could go on. <br>
Majoring in music therapy, we also learn about other therapies such as
art therapy and that is such an interesting thing. It helps clients
express what they are going through. <br>
2. I've never heard of an art program like the one you describe, but
it sounds promising. Then again, any time we learn to value something
we aren't familiar with there will be great benefits. My understanding
of alternative therapies is specific to music, but the school I attend
does offer an art therapy program which I am acquainted with. From
what I can tell about the art therapy program it offers many of the
same benefits as music, but unfortunately doesn't have as broad a
scope as music does. The scope of music therapy is very broad, as it
can be used in almost any facility where there is a need. (schools,
nursing homes, hospitals, mental hospitals, private practice etc.) If
you go to the AMTA web site (google it?) You can look up schools that
offer music therapy as a major. If you have any more questions about
why the arts (specifically music) are therapeutic, I would be glad to
answer them! <br>
3. art therapy has a long history in psychology & child counseling. I
don't see what is so newsworthy about bridging art & treatment.
*shrug* -Meg <br>
4. no way! that's so funny that you should ask. i just got home from
an art and medicine pilot course we have at our school (SUNY Buffalo)
on saturday's. the things i have learned are absolutely astounding. i
thought art for therapy was a fine idea before all this, but now...
it's not just for patients. it's for practitioners, to be more
observant, and to observe how their patients function when they are
allowed to think non-linearly. the implications are especially obvious
in developmental disabilities and mental illness, but i think it could
benefit any type of medical practice. you almost feel like handing
each patient some crayons and paper when they check in, and telling
them to let you know how they really feel (on paper). <br>
5. A most intriguing idea I have ever heard of... and agree
completely! A doctor should train him/herself to be a good observer. I
always enjoy making spot diagnosis on the street. I thnk the key thing
about the artistic approach are the "nuances" that it trains up. This
is always an issue when doctors become busy - they just miss it at
times. <br>
6. Our medical school does not do this, but I think a variation would
be beneficial. I don't know how much time I actually sit down and
analyze art, but using standardized patients to help doctors better
learn to analyze behavior and nonverbal cues would be beneficial.
However, I don't know if this is quite necessary in medical school as
any good doctor learns to pick up on these throughout medical school
and beyond. <br>
7. Yeah, this reminds me of something that Plato or Socrates did with
a bunch of his students. Had 'em all sitting in a room, observing a
box, for a number of weeks. Each day after hours of observing the box,
they were asked to describe it. Many of them succumbed to
frustrations, but some of them managed to realize the same things that
these students seemed to have realized, and even began to see things
about a box that they had never noticed before. The power of
observation is often overlooked, and very potent. Should be a useful
tool for a future MD to have, strengthening his/her own powers of
observation. One thing that they really need to concentrate on,
though, is getting the future MD to realize how to implement the
knowledge of knowing how to observe in a limited amount of time. After
all, it's no good having a tool, but having no opportunity to use it.
answers5: no , but i would like to share this experience with u as i
have more than a talent besides being a medical student!
answers6: i disagree with the utility of humanities courses in medical
school. yes, to a certain degree, doctors need to be well rounded- but
that's just so they can communicate and empathize with their patients,
right? why do they need to study poetry in order to accomplish that?
medical students can read philosophy as much as they want on their own
free time, but making them do that as a requirement doesn't make any

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What's the difference between the social sciences and the humanities?

answers1: Linguistics is primarily a social science, although it has a
foot in each camp. <br>
The Humanities study the products of human culture. Art, literature,
philosophy, theatre, cultural studies, Classics, etc. It is all purely
subjective analysis...it looks for "meaning", not knowledge. the study
of languages (meaning learning how to speak and write languages) is a
Humanities subject as well, which relates to Linguistics. <br>
Social Sciences are just like the natural sciences in that they use
the scientific method to gain new knowledge about things. Social
sciences are things like psychology, sociology, anthropology,
economics, political science, and history. (History is another one
that is both a Humanity and a Social Science.) Linguistics falls into
this category most of all because it is the academic study of how
languages develop. <br>
Linguistics is the study of languages. *Not* the study of any language
in particular; you won't learn how to speak any new languages by
studying linguistics. Linguistics looks at the structures of human
languages, and how they have developed over thousands of years.
Syntax, morphology (letters and spelling), phonetics, interpretation
and change of word meanings (semantics and pragmatics), all that good

Monday, October 28, 2019

What's the difference between Studio Arts and Theater Arts?

answers1: Studio Arts is drawing, painting. Theater Arts is acting.
Entirely different things.
answers2: Theatre arts is all about the acting. That includes plays
and musicals.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

where can i look up spainish art??

answers1: probably, but i doubt you will find it here in the dodge questions
answers2: probably, but art and Dodges don't mix
answers3: why did you ask this in automotive? are you interested in low riders?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

good art schools in San Francisco?

answers1: SFAI is an independent art school not related to the art
institue, which is a separate school. SFAI is more well known than the
art institute and considered a lot better. You can also apply to
Academy of Art in San Francisco, which is another good one.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What is your definition of ART?

answers1: For me, art is all about the artist's intention. If the
person creating it intends it to be art, then it's art, imo. <br>
A famous artist named Marcel Duchamp once put a urinary (male toilet)
on a stool and called it art. He had a lot of reasoning for that and
the main purpose was to make viewers ask themselves 'What is art? Is
this art? Why/why not?' To me, what he did is art. If he had just put
it there and made up some BS about it, it wouldn't be art. <br>
To me, art isn't just about how attractive something is to the eye.
It's also about concept and thought.
answers2: The new age arts are a product of industrial revolution. The
development in technology lead to the use of various techniques in
creation of these arts. <br>
check this link : <br>
answers3: Depends. Do you mean Visual art? If so, I see it as anything
that took time, effort and creativity to make. I don't consider
tracing and bases are because they don't take effort or creativity.
answers4: If the artist thinks of it as art, then it is art. <br>
That doesn't mean it's GOOD art.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

what art school is better?

answers1: Quick note: Art majors are not finding jobs. <br>
I know of 2 friends. <br>
One found a job after 4 years of searching at Taco Bell. <br>
She is now night assitant manager. <br>
The other found a job as a bagger, lifting 50 pound sacks all day. <br>
Please look at the statistics out there. Please ! <br>
I know you should follow what you love in life and learn fun things. <br>
But please make sure you can put food on the table when you are 30. <br>
Seems sad that they never found jobs and now they hate their lives.
answers2: Art institute is a horrible school so don't go there at all.
As for silly goose, you know nothing about how the art field works.
I'm pretty sure your 2 friends didn't have versatile skills for why
they suffered finding jobs not because they studied art. There are
many other people who are able to find jobs outside of food stores
with an art degree, don't generalize like you know it all.
answers3: "Art Institutes" is a strong of worthless for-profit
colleges designed to separate gullible students from their money. <br>
Incidentally, very few graduates can make a living in Fine Arts.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

arts and humanities?

answers1: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An7OBLJT1NHAb8jCSfDzpVXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080617121428AAmbanT
: Visual and performing arts (including music) (so that'd be
like dance, photography, fine arts, photography, etc.) <br>
Sociology (maybe) <br>
Anthropology (maybe) <br>
Religion <br>
Gender Studies <br>
Law (probably pre-law) <br>
English Literature (or Poetry) <br>
Creative Writing <br>
Philosophy <br>
Classics (ie. studying literature/language of ancient Greece/Latin) <br>
Language (your choice of language) <br>
answers3: The humanities are anything that are not considered to <br>
be the 'hard sciences' that is any science, math, geography <br>
etc courses. So you are looking at all courses that involve music,
history,languages,philosophy, art, writing, theatre, <br>
visual arts,
answers4: Art ,music,art or music appreciation, and literature classes
are all a part of arts and humanities. Art appreciation is a good
summer class; you get to look at pictures of famous artworks and
compare or critique them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Career in Art/ Visual Arts?

answers1: You can have a great career as an artist. <br>
If you are an illustrator you can go into Advertising (in many
different areas.) Every ad you see was first drawn as a story-board -
this describes the action in picture form, or you can work for an
animation company drawing complex story-boards. <br>
In many areas of the entertainment world having an art background is a
must. I have been in advertising for over 15 years, and will not
interview or hire anyone who does not have illustration skills. <br>
When you begin your career you will probably not make much money as
there is a lot of competition, but if you have talent and do not give
up you can make more than enough money to support a family. <br>
Some people are naturally talented artists and that talent will always
be with them, however if you do not practice you will lose those
skills over time. This is similar to the talented athlete, if they do
not continue to practice they lose some of their expert skills. <br>
Hope that helps.
answers2: Simply painting/drawing/sculpting etc. will not pay well if
that's the only thing you are doing, so many artists prefer to pair it
with another profession and generally just stick to keeping it as a
hobby. However, that's not including very famous artists who would get
paid much, much more than an average artist. :) <br>
At the same time though, there are quite a few artists who do simply
rely on their artistic ability to bring food to the table. <br>
You cannot lose your art skills over time, HOWEVER, you will not
improve and you could forget techniques and such. So, you will not
gain any experience. <br>
Hope this helped. :)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Where do i start with visual arts/cartooning?

answers1: Professional 3D Design Animation : <a
answers2: I only do cartooning a little bit, but I am always looking
at children's coloring books. There are several books out by old Walt
Disney artists, I think, that you could try.
answers3: other artist are the best sources for information. study
other people's art. jamie hewlett is amazing, my favorite artist.
practice a lot so you can master different medias. get to know other
artist on facebook or what ever you use or get to know them in art
events like comic con and stuff like that because other artist will be
able to give you good art advice and they can also help you find work.
you don't have to master color pencils becuase there is other stuff
you can use. like me i draw it and then color it in photoshop. the
great thing about studying art is that if being a cartoonist doesn't
work out there are many places that will hire you to draw or do
something around. i know professional artist and i'm an artist, so if
you want i can help you meet other and give you drawing advice. ive
had 3 years of art classes and ither artist help me out too. my email
is booopity@yahoo.com or you can find me on deviantart as
Junk-Boat-Stew. im 16 to but im working to be a illustrator for what
ever will hire me.
answers4: The best way to learn different techniques is to try
different things yourself. Get a scrap piece of paper and try holding
your colored pencil in different ways and drawing in different
designs. Also try mixing colors to see how they react with each
other. As for drawing people heres a link:

Friday, October 18, 2019

which act established the federal deposit insurance corporation?

answers1: The FDIC was created by the 1933 Banking Act. <br>
Added: <br>
The second Glass-Steagall Act, passed on the 16th of June 1933, was
(officially named) the Banking Act of 1933.
answers2: The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a United
States government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why you act crazy?????

answers1: Man I don't act crazy cause I ain't its cause I am!
answers2: Because I ate a sandwich with mustard on it
answers3: cuz for girls they want guys to notice thm and for boys its
cuz they think their cool nor cuz they want attetion or even bored or
usally ur high on some drug its fun being CRAZY :)))))))
answers4: Because i feel positive emotions and feel like I can do
anything I want afterwards

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Can someone please pay Mickey rourke to stop acting?

answers1: i will, no worries.
answers2: I don't think he ever actually started. <br>
He said lines to camera - but I wouldn't call it acting.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Acting Classes in L.A.?

answers1: acting classes are all over LA. you can get a magazine
called VARIETY anywhere in hollywood. <br>
acting classes and open calls are listed in it.

Monday, October 14, 2019

what was the quatering act?

answers1: I found several links that will help you with your school
assignment. <br>
Quartering Acts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <br>
Quartering Act of...|Quartering Act of...|Quartering in...|Modern
relevanceQuartering Act is the name of at least two 18th-century acts
of the Parliament of Great Britain. These Quartering Acts were used by
the British forces in the American colonies to ensure that British
soldiers had adequate... <br>
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartering_Act - Cached. <br>
Quartering Act (1765) <br>
The role of Quartering Act (1765) in the history of the United States
of America. <br>
www.u-s-history.com/pages/h641.html - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act <br>
British Parliament - 1765. An act to amend and render more effectual,
in his Majesty's dominions in America, an act passed in this present
session of parliament ... <br>
ahp.gatech.edu/quartering_act_1765.htm... - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act of 1765 <br>
The Quartering Act of 1765. March 24, 1765. AN ACT to amend and render
more effectual, in his Majesty's dominions in America, an act passed
in this present session of ... <br>
www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/... - Cached <br>
Quartering Act of 1774 <br>
Established June 2, 1774, the Quartering Act of 1774 was similar in
substance to the Quartering Act of 1765. June 2, 1774. WHEREAS DOUBTS
www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/... - Cached <br>
The Quartering Act - The U.S. Constitution Online ... <br>
The text of the Quartering Act, one of the Intolerable Acts. <br>
www.usconstitution.net/quarteringact.h... - Cached <br>
answers2: It was an amendment in the constitution that prevented any
soldiers from being quartered in a civilian home during a time of
peace. In other words, if theres not a war on US soil, US soldiers
cant come take over our homes and live with us. In this day and age
they probably wouldn't anyway but back in the revolution Britain would
send soldiers over to the colonies to keep an eye on them and enforce
their unfair laws. While they were over here the colonists had to
take them in to their homes and give them a bed, food and cook and
clean for them. The founding fathers wanted to prevent anything like
that from happening again so they put it in the constitution.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Best movie theater on east coast?

answers1: The Oxford theatre in Halifax,Nova Scotia...its smal,quaint
and not over-valued like the metroplexes in other parts of the city

Saturday, October 12, 2019

when will maleficent be released at el capitan theater?

answers1: The scheduled release date for the movie is May 30, 2014. El
Capitan theater seems to schedule movies about one month in advance. I
would begin watching the web site, or call them, at the end of April.
<a href="http://elcapitan.go.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://elcapitan.go.com/</a> <br>

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How to get involved in Theatre/Musicals?

answers1: be in the plays at your school. thats the best way to start.
then, try community theatre.
answers2: My occasion gown from Henry and Mudge is often great
exciting Paris Makes Me Horney from Victor/Victoria - ah soooo
exciting to accomplish and receives the objective audience giggling a
hundred elementary the thank you to Lose a guy summer season in Ohio
from final 5 years Dance 10: seems 3 from A refrain Line
answers3: by being a part of it.
answers4: Start with local Youth Theatres. Chances are, if you have a
reputable youth theatre affiliated with a certain theatre, they will
do their own productions, etc. Then look into local theatre companies;
audition with them and audition for parts in their shows. Try not to
turn anything down, even if you end up in ensemble; any experience is
good experience, and with that particular theatre you will be more and
more likely to get roles as your experience and talent levels improve.
Then look into open calls for bigger musicals, West End or Broadway.
The more experience and talent you have, the more chance you have<3.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

I need poetry help?

answers1: I adore it. This is the last sentence from Sex Without Love
through Sharon Olds which first confirmed me what poetry is able of
(it is a little lengthy): they're like satisfactory runners: they
recognize they're on my own with the street floor, the bloodless, the
wind, the have compatibility in their footwear, their over-all
aerobic- vascular wellness—simply elements, just like the accomplice
within the mattress, and no longer the reality, that's the unmarried
frame on my own within the universe towards its possess exceptional
time. Edit: and sure as Cheese Whisperer says I might not be following
instructional materials...it is near regardless that.
answers2: You're my one and only <br>
And I I belong to you <br>
And when I'm with you, baby, <br>
There's nothing we can't do <br>
As both of us grow older <br>
I'm sure that you will see <br>
That I'm the only one for you <br>
And you're the one for me. <br>
....................... <br>
I hope you find this to be a satisfactory ending. <br>
Harleigh Kyson Jr.
answers3: aww...that is cute...
answers4: Go to poetry.com and find the heed help rhyming tab. That
will help a lot.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What is a good term for non-war poetry?

answers1: peacetime poetry?
answers2: If you search the web, the word that is used most often is
"anti-war poetry."
answers3: "Pro Pax," maybe? I *think* that's more or less Latin for
"pro-peace" (but my Latin is very poor, so that might not be the right
phrase). It doesn't really suggest peacetime, just favorability
towards peace.
answers4: very confusing point. look with yahoo. that can help!
answers5: Maybe you could simply call it "general poetry" or just
"poetry," and the other category "war specific poetry" or something
along those lines. This is just a suggestion. And i definitely see
why you are asking this question. Its a lot harder to answer than it

Monday, October 7, 2019

poetry about the perfect future?

answers1: problematic subject. seek over search engines like google.
this may help!
answers2: Poetry is written about how you feel, so just write how you
feel and when you figure that out the words would just come naturally
to you
answers3: tricky issue. look into over search engines like google.
that will will help!

learning the poetry basics ?

answers1: poetry comes from the heart. reading a book on how to write
a poem will probably cramp your style. just keep it original.
answers2: complex situation. query on google. that may help!
answers3: You could probably just google or wikipedia the types of
poetry like haiku or sonnets, but style is the way it's written by the
poet. <br>
Think of it more like a song because poems are better explained to the
reader when read out loud. In poems, there's also a rhythm, but if the
words don't work, the rhythm is thrown off. Poetry is a flow of words
that is rooted from emotions.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Poetry website???

answers1: Poetry.com
answers2: hard stuff. do a search with bing and yahoo. it will help!
answers3: poetry.com is a good website, but make sure you give credit
or it's plagiarism.
answers4: www.poetry.com <br>
www.lovequotesandpoems.com <br>
hey i wrote a war poem that was published maybe i can help- it's on
www.poetry.com <br>
when you go to it <br>
and look for an author <br>
type in amber alaniz <br>
hope you like it
answers5: Check out Voltage Poetry! It's a really neat blog that posts
kickass poems with epic turns, or points where everything in the poem
shifts and becomes something different. They also post accompanying
essays that discuss why the turns are so effective. It's really
helpful for analyzing poems and also exposed me to some awesome poetry
that's definitely worth a read. <br>
http://voltagepoetry.com/ <br>
Structure and Surprise is another great blog that posts articles and
essays discussing and analyzing poetry, especially what makes poems
surprising and exciting. <br>
: g o o g l e DOT com
answers7: poems ,com
answers8: why do you ask a question like that and lose 5 pointsn while
you can search for it from google...
answers9: Look at The Verse Marauder
answers10: barkingspiderspoetry.com <br>

Saturday, October 5, 2019

easy to read book for philosophy essay?

answers1: Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
answers2: Buddha's Golden Path is simple and a great philosophy.
There are tons of resources on the subject and you will need to narrow
the topic a bit. Good luck!

Friday, October 4, 2019

questions about philosophy?

answers1: Actions like getting up out of bed, taking a shower and
getting dressed for work, eating breakfast, driving to work do not
require any philosophy at all to do those things. Talking with
friends at work or interacting about work to get our jobs done doesn't
either. Paying bills and any family obligations same thing. In
general things we are obligated to do for our survival do not engage
any kind of philosophical debate or discussion in them at all. I
could substitute work for school and get the same kind of answer. <br>
To my mind a philosophy can be just an idea or ideas that a person
like a leader is governed by to rule his country. When one who is an
opponent or an ally understands the primary motive of the leader in
that sense he can understand in what direction and destination he is
taking this country to. <br>
A leader can be driven by ideas that show man as a part of the natural
world and therefore subject to the same behaviors of the world and
therefore needs to be controlled as such by a ruling body. That there
is no connection to the past and that any vestige or leadership of the
past must give way to the new authority of today. And that all future
political and other social interaction must be a collective venture
and individual freedom is denied and even disdained. <br>
Or a leader can be guided by a spiritual view of man where individual
worth and responsibility are promoted from the leader on down to the
people. With the clearest understanding that all is connected in
history in the past, present, and future so that that awareness is
promoted and taught and passed as the present and future hope for the
country's survival. <br>
Well that's my thought. Take care. This is a good question.
answers2: 1 Going to the toilet <br>
2 Sure. Especially the philosophy of how power corrupts and is abused.
I live in a society where the value of the society itself is higher
than the value of the rights of the individual, and I don't like this.
answers3: Wherever there is logic, there is philosophy. In belief
system, there is no logic and therefore no philosophy.
answers4: 1. Philosophy can be applied to anything in life, any action
you take, any thought or beliefs you hold, Philosophy can be generally
applied. <br>
2. Philosophy can indeed reflect the present situation of our country,
Sociological Thinking in a sense would be best used to describe the
act of looking at a nation from a Philosophical viewpoint. From our
insight on the laws, morays, norms, and factors of a society we are
philosophically trying to understand society and the country we live
answers5: 1) No. <br>
2) We have come to worship the media, and accept their presentations
rather than doing our own thinking.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

What is the most fundamental definition of Philosophy?

answers1: The purpose of philosophy, as science, is to organize the
chaos of the world, by consciously putting ideas of the universe into
simplistic rational structures. To do this is to take away the
confusion, lesson the awe, but keep the wonder, and it is to educate
mental repose, and create more accountable human beings. The love of
truth, which is philosophy is the attempt to evolve the rational mind.
answers2: the search for proof of gods existance
answers3: Any question that can start a debate...
answers4: The study of when and why things happen. Thats the most
basic it can be broken down to. Its all about opinions and those who
can accept the widest and considered to be the wisest.
answers5: Translating from the Greek word for it, the definition is
"love of wisdom"
answers6: Love of wisdom <br>
Philos = love <br>
Sophy = Wisdom. <br>
It is what it means. <br>
Can't get more fundamental than that!
answers7: Philosophy is thinking about something.
answers8: philosophy is the systematic study of all things/beings in
their ultimate causes/principles by the use of human reason alone...
in layman's term love of wisdom... ü

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What branch of philosophy are you intrested in?

answers1: My own Philosophy..and the Philosophy of The Greek wisemen.. <br>
I can enjoy a wide view, except too much politics and very skeptical
intriguing idea.. <br>
that permits too much doubts/ or otherwise as well whereas topics
aren't alllowed to grow..for it seemed to be all concluded with much
confidence. <br>
I love the objective and subjective part as well..Moral philosophy is
also great. <br>
Love the philosophy of the mind, somewhat analytical. Aristotle is one
of the great contributor of this. <br>
I love Epistemology, Logic, and Aesthetics.. <br>
Rationalism is also very interesting.. <br>
Good day dear!!
answers2: Although as of yet, I'm not an expert on any area of
philosophy, th area of philosophy that seems the most interesting to
me at face value is that of Economic Philosophy. Adam Smith, Karl
Marx, John Maynard Keynes, amongst the like, have really captivated my
attention. On the other end of the scale, I'm not so fond of
philosophies pertaining to the nature of God. It always almost ends up
in a mere conundrum.
answers3: Logic is my fav!
answers4: My interests lie in neurophilosophy/extended mind thesis and
phenomenal consciousness
answers5: Honestly all of them. I think that religion and philosophy
greatly overlap. <br>
If you do not mind I have an open question that may or may not strike
your interest. Here is the question and the link if you care to take
a look: I am as of now planning on repeating the question
substituting Christianity and others, my own religion included, but
perhaps only one a week. Not sure yet. <br>
Is Atheism nothing more than a Potemkin village? <br>
<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100303190858AAGQQAd&r=w"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...</a>
answers6: Anything deals with human love.
answers7: I'll assume moral includes spiritual right? Spiritual
philosophies can bring you to a wide range of perspectives especially
with those whom have years of first hand experiences to share, if they
will. There is a huge untapped source for you, but you need to have an
open mind and a wide range of interests and experiences in order to
appreciate it's depth for yourself.
answers8: Philosophy of language, Ancient Philosophy and Philosophical
Method. Right now I'm writing a paper on a Wittgenstein-inspired
critique of Plato's method of Collection and Division for a class of
mine, and it's like the perfect combination of my main interests. It's
a lot of fun :D
answers9: Myffleophocy.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Which branch of philosophy should have priority over others?

answers1: Social and political philosophy do not exist in a vacuum -
they are largely made up of ethics. Socrates seemed to put first
priority to ethics, and many attributed aesthetics and even
epistemology to a certain extent to ethics. We don't exist as monads
(no matter what Leibniz might think) and thus we interact; how we
interact is largely an ethical construct, but as we interact in groups
which form societies and cultures and polities, this would then seem
to dictate that this will become the more important element in
determining how and why we might then work on other areas of
philosophy, from a practical standpoint.
answers2: I doubt I have the ultimate answer, but I seem them as less
developed, and to me I see more potential for breakthroughs and
advancement, since they need more of it. We seem to have more problems
in those areas, but I see the biggest problem from not a broad enough
background in everything, including language. Interdisciplinary
studies never took off like I think it should have. I think we need
great depth in one area and a real broad background in every area to
make much progress in any particular one. <br>
It's because we haven't developed the area of the brain that handles
complexity and complexity is what we are having the most problem with.
That is to say, we are not using, well, that part of the brain, the
part we need for all we have to handle today. Intuition is the
connection with that part or ability to handle complexity that we so
need. I think in philosophy they call it empirical intuition or
philosophical intuition. Maybe this will give you a hint on
intuition's importance. <br>
<a href="http://intuition.viviti.com"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://intuition.viviti.com</a> <br>
In other words, the areas of political and social philosophy are huge
needs right now, especially in getting advances and good ideas out to
the public, but, if people don't learn how to use their minds,
specialization is only part of the answer. None of the disciplines can
be left out, even while studying just one. It can be done, if we learn
to use intuition to handle all that. Does that make any sense to you?
I mean the question is a bit flawed so the answer to it will be flawed
and not the proper question. Why not attack the question? That seems
as realistic as accepting it at face value. At least that would lead
to some creative thinking for sure, unless you have an ignorant
teacher, which seems all too likely. Blow their mind. Why not? At
least you'll get their blood boiling and they'll have to acknowledge
that you have some points they hadn't thought of. If you make them
think, they have to have some appreciation of that. Maybe run it past
them to see if they are at all open minded.
answers3: Neither social or political philosophy can actually have
priority over epistemology, since they are both founded upon
epistemological notions. <br>
When we try to subvert any sort of aesthetic, 'meaning', logic, or
ethic under political or social terms, that's ideology, not
philosophy. Ideology is usually defined as the promotion of a
particular worldview based on one's philosophic beliefs. Since
political philosophy, for instance, is entirely founded around what we
believe about human nature, you'll get into a tautological argument if
you try to assert philosophic ideas based on those same philosophic
ideas; if your political philosophy is based around the conception
human nature is inherently evil, then an attempt to build another
philosophy off of that political philosophy will always conclude that
yes, human nature is evil. You'll just go in circles. <br>
I think that you could make an argument that there's a practicality to
social and political philosophy, since they are subjects of
immediacy--- there's a moral imperative to solve immediate political
and social issues before resolving big abstract ones. A debate over
what political system should be adopted by a collapsing state is a
much more pressing issue than what the meaning of beauty is, since
lives are at stake in the former case. However, such an argument is
still reliant on ethics. <br>
The only other case I can think of off hand is one which is a bit
weak, but may work. Since politics and society determine the access
and availability to other areas of philosophy (some societies oppose
certain ideas), it follows that without certain political and social
philosophies, other ideas could be wholly lost --- which means the
interpretation of the subject, but not the subject itself, could be
lost. Of course, this too may be somewhat subject to our
epistemological conceits about what is worth knowing. <br>
As it stands, I'm unaware of any solid, convincing argument of the
sort you're looking for --- it seems kind of like asking for a
prioritization of the novel over the alphabet. But philosophy can
often make obvious the things that people have overlooked for a long
time, and shift about all our concepts --- so good luck with your
work. If you can get around the basic tautology of the proposition,
and avoid ideology, then you'll definitely be on to something
interesting. <br>
Hope that helps.
answers4: Ehtics is prioroty over all other branches. Social and
political philosophy must be studied with ethical basis.
answers5: I believe no branch of philosophy should have a priority
against others. For instance, if a metaphysical doctrine has unsound
ethical implications, one may abandon it (this happened with moral
objections to David Lewis modal realism). If an ethical theory has
unsound metaphysical implications it might also be abandoned.
answers6: They don't. Social and political philosophy are merely
branches on an equal footing with other branches of philosophy. If
anything, epistemology, historically, has had priority over the other
branches. I'm not saying this is justified but most trained
philosophers would agree that it has dominated other issues in
answers7: You have some decent answers, but there is no absolute
answer. While ideas from others are helpful, you should put your paper
in the conext of your own beliefs and establish your own logical or
rational (or even irrational) priority. Absolutely everything you have
an opinion about is a philosophy of one sort or another. Some opinions
are based on little thought, and others are based on deep
contemplation. Some are trivial (like, is soccer better than tennis?)
and some are important (how do you view lying?). So list your most
important issues (truth, justice, morality, god, war, love, abortion,
responibility, or whatever) and look at each from the viewpoint of the
major philosophical disciplines. It isn't too hard to priortize in
this fashion. This takes work, of course, but it will help establish
in your own mind who you are and why you are you. There's no right or
wrong priority, only the one that works best for you.