Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Would you please tell how I get my genealogy off the church site?

answers1: Why? Is she asking what your pedigree is?
answers2: Your genealogy on the normal familysearch.org is not
available. For privacy purposes only the records of your
great-grandparents or even great-great grandparents and older can be
revealed. However, since you're a member you can register at
new.familysearch.org. Because it confirms that you are who you say you
are and that you're a member of the Church, it can show you your
entire genealogy. But you'll need your record number and confirmation
date, which you should be able to obtain either from your parents or
your bishop if you don't have it handy.
answers3: check the book of nephi ..maybe :)
answers4: Salt Lake City is where they are. I am not
understanding...do you want to look at your chart or remove it?

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