Friday, June 27, 2014

PHP Framework - OpenFramework download

PHP Framework - OpenFramework

PHP Framework - OpenFramework Description
OpenFramework is a PHP / Javascript (jQuery + jQueryUI) / HTML5 / CSS3 framework like ZendFramework, Symfony, CodeIgniter or other similar frameworks.
The code is clean and is written with n-Tier architecture in mind (distributed architecture).

OpenFramework is stable and well tested, it runs behind of many websites and web applications with million visitors per day.

OpenFramework is intended for professional developers, featuring a Multi-Tier (n-Tier) architecture which is DISTRIBUTED, much FASTER and more SCALABLE than MVC.
The advantages of Multi-tier architecture (n-Tier) against MVC are here:
PHP Framework - OpenFramework Features
  • PHP
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • M YSQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQlite
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Light, Fast, Flexible, Fluid, Responsive
  • Multi-Tier Architecture

  • Download:Click Here

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