Wednesday, June 4, 2014

datamap-it download


datamap-it Description
Datamap is a multiplatform disk space and data growth monitoring tool.
Datamap helps manage disk storage on local servers or on the
enterprise network.

Some of the features included in Datamap:

Multiplatform, clients available for Windows, Linux, Solaris and Unix..
Centralized access to all information.
Centralized configuration of all nodes.
Centralized view of disk usage, current and history views.
Centralized view of data growth.
Centralized view of data hogging users or applications.
Easy identification of "huge files" throughout the network.
Flexible grouping of clients and directories.
Command line intefrace.
Flexible reporting system.
Reports can be viewed via a web browser or exported to Excel.
Automatic disk space usage and data growth monitoring on client,partitions and filesystems.
Disk growth limit monitoring and alert - Never run out of disk space again!
Email notifications of alerts.
Run custom scripts in response to defined events.
datamap-it Features

Download:Click Here

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