Saturday, May 31, 2014

BioNLP UIMA Component Repository download

BioNLP UIMA Component Repository

BioNLP UIMA Component Repository Description
The BioNLP UIMA Component Repository provides UIMA wrappers for novel and well-known 3rd-party NLP tools used in biomedical text prosessing, such as tokenizers, parsers, named entity taggers, and tools for evaluation.
BioNLP UIMA Component Repository Features
  • Gene Identification: AbGene, Abner, LingPipe, KeX, NCBO Annotation Service
  • Mutation Identification: MutationFinder
  • Semantic Parsing: OpenDMAP
  • Sentence Detection: KeX, LingPipe, OpenNLP
  • Tokenization: Genia Tagger, LingPipe, Penn BioTokenizer

  • Download:Click Here

    Friday, May 30, 2014

    ATViewer download


    ATViewer Description
    Delphi components to view various file types: text, binary, images, multimedia, webpages, etc.
    ATViewer Features
  • ATViewer component - container for all file-viewing components
  • ATBinHex component - to view text/binary/Unicode files of unlimited size
  • ATImageBox component - to view images with scrolling, zooming, dragging etc
  • ATStreamSearch component - to search in text files of unlimited size
  • ATFileNotification component - to watch for file/folder changes
  • ATPrintPreview component - to show Print Preview form with many features
  • ATImageMap component - to show multiple images as single map

  • Download:Click Here

    Thursday, May 29, 2014

    armanpy download


    armanpy Description
    ArmaNpy is a set of SWIG interface files which allows for generating
    Python bindings to C++ code which uses the Armadillo matrix library.
    armanpy Features

    Download:Click Here

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014

    akey2 keyboard javascript download

    akey2 keyboard javascript

    akey2 keyboard javascript Description
    El teclado _akey2_

    (Autor: Emilio Aguilar Guti��rrez)

    El teclado _akey2_ ha sido dise?ado para facilitar la escritura a quienes no conocen bien el teclado del ordenador (querty).

    La simplicidad del n��mero de teclas favorece su uso.
    Para utilizarlo es preciso localizar las letras en las teclas y pulsarlas con el bot��n izquierdo del rat��n.
    Las 9 teclas centrales deben pulsarse dos veces:
    La primera vez hacen que el teclado cambie y presenten todas las letras disponibles para la segunda pulsaci��n, que causa que la letra sea incluida en la ventana de texto.
    akey2 keyboard javascript Features
  • Javascript keyboard easy to use for people with little knowledge in IT

  • Download:Click Here

    Tuesday, May 27, 2014

    AIGLe download


    AIGLe Description
    A.I.G.Le is a French PHPMySQL code to simplify lab management.
    A.I.G.Le means "Aide Interactive a la Gestion de Laboratoire"
    AIGLe Features
  • D��p?t/Modification et r��cup��ration (automatique et/ou manuelle) depuis et vers HAL/TEL et vers arXiv/PubMed_Central (via HAL) .
  • Importation de publications depuis arXiv, PubMed et WoS (sous reserve d'abonnement).
  • L��importation de notices bibliographiques export��es de EndNotes ou de Wikindx.
  • Les Informations sur le personnel. (contr?le avec les bases Labintel/Harp��ge)
  • Gestion des Absences/Missions, des r��servations (Mat��riel/Salles), etc....
  • Alimentation du site Web du Labo (plugin SPIP, plugin FastBoil ...)

  • Download:Click Here